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THE CATHARA, by                    
First Line: But yesterday thine eyes were bright
Last Line: To breathe in fragrant beauty there.
Subject(s): Flowers; Roses

But yesterday thine eyes were bright
As rays that fringe the early cloud;
Now closed to life, to love, and light,
Wrapp'd in the winding-sheet and shroud;
And darkly o'er thee broods the pall,
While faint and low thy dirge is sung;
And warm and fast around thee fall
Tears of the beautiful and young.

No more, sweet one! on thee no more
Will break the day-dawn fresh and fair;
Nor evening's purple twilight pour
Its softness round thy raven hair;
No more beneath thy magic hand
Will wake the lyre's responsive lay;
Or round its warmth the wreath expand
To crown a sister's natal day.

Yet as the sweet surviving vine
Around the bough that buds no more
Will still its tender leaves entwine
And bloom as freshly as before;
So fond affection still will shed
The light on thee it used to wear,
And plant its roses round thy bed
To breathe in fragrant beauty there.

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