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ANALYZE LOVE, by                    
First Line: Analyze passion; it resolves to this
Last Line: And still once more return to earthly pain.
Subject(s): Love - Nature Of

Analyze passion; it resolves to this:
A wild-rose, salty-wet with windy spray.
Heart-on-the-sleeve and rhyming with a kiss
Whose idyl lasted only for a day,
Whose lyric may live longer on the lips,
And if well-sung, within the hearts of others,
Yet nothing more than the flood-tide that slips
Over high-water-mark in breaker-smothers.

Analyze love ... and you have something more
Than ever chemist in his laboratory,
Precipitated into golden ore
Or Chaucer or Boccacio into story.
For that alembic dare to death again
And still once more return to earthly pain.

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