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A SPRING DAY, by                    
First Line: Neath the shady forest clusters
Last Line: Of mays that once were mine!
Subject(s): Nature; Spring

'NEATH the shady forest clusters
Where winds were soft and sweet,
Where the sunshine's golden lustres
Seem'd lances long and fleet,
Where the blackbird and the starling
Sang anthems to the May,
We wander'd, oh, my darling,
That bygone happy day.

We cared not for the morrow,
The present was our own,
And not a shade of sorrow
Across our path was thrown;
We saw wild-roses blushing
Beneath each stately tree,
We heard the river rushing
To join the distant sea.

The sea as blue and boundless
As was the arching sky,
And stately, calm, and soundless
We saw tall ships go by.
We cared not to remember
That evening follows noon,
That snow-flakes of December
Make bleak the ways of June.

Oh, day of perfect gladness,
Oh, day of golden hours,
I gather without sadness
The dead leaves of your flow'rs,
For though it all is over
It brought me joy divine;
I dream in grey October
Of Mays that once were mine!

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