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SNOWFLAKES, by                    
First Line: Whirling breathless through the air
Last Line: Of the earth and sky!
Subject(s): Earth; Sky; Snow; Trees; World

Whirling breathless through the air,
Reluctantly you kiss the earth.
What has prompted your descent
From heaven to another sphere?

Perchance, some little one
Of mischievous intent,
With sudden tilt upon
Your fleecy cribs,
Inspired your unchartered journey
For different roles to play.

The ornamental tinsel of the trees,
The cloak of ermine for the earth,
The clay of childish fingers,
To be molded into toys
That give delight.

Or having sipped your full in paradise
You wished acquaintance with another sphere?
This thought does not become you,
Astral bits of loveliness!
You are confetti sent
To celebrate the marriage
Of the earth and sky!

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