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THE ELDER BROTHER: THE PLEASURES OF A LIBRARY, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Give me leave / to enjoy myself. That place, that does contain
Last Line: To incre se in knowledge. Lights there, for my study!
Variant Title(s): The Library A Glorious Court
Subject(s): Books; Reading

Give me
Leave to enjoy myself. That place, that does
Contain my books, the best companions, is
To me a glorious court, where hourly I
Converse with the old sages and philosophers.
And sometimes for variety, I confer
With kings and emperors, and weigh their counsels;
Calling their victories, if unjustly got,
Unto a strict account: and, in my fancy,
Deface their ill-planned statues. Can I then
Part with such constant pleasures, to embrace
Uncertain vanities? No; be it your care
To augment a heap of wealth; it shall be mine
To incre se in knowledge. Lights there, for my study!

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