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KEY, by                    
First Line: They who have old houses should save the keys
Last Line: Going in and out; -- as it was long before.
Subject(s): Family Life; Houses; Keys; Relatives

They who have old houses should save the keys:
There is so much going in and out
Or ringing of the bells or looking about.

Everywhere there are doors
Or chairs and people moving about . . .

A grandfather sits in his high-back chair
Beside the fire: he no longer needs a key
To enter there.

A mother sews . . . Little shoes and bonnets
Are dancing through the door; -- or one too slowly goes.

Today is the same as yesterday
Or the year before or a hundred years ago:
The key is the same as lost; who should know
Or care about the door?

The key is lost -- always there is some one
Going in and out; -- as it was long before.

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