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POET'S DUST AND A STAR, by                    
First Line: Stript to ash in a white urn
Last Line: At the breast of a mother-sky.
Subject(s): Death; Heaven; Mourning; Poetry & Poets; Prayer; Sky; Stars; Dead, The; Paradise; Bereavement

Stript to ash in a white urn,
Stone's dark strength laid down;
Beauty to rose-scent crumbled,
Royalty shorn of a crown.

Powdered dust in a white urn;
Passion purged into prayer;
Threading with blood-red spiral,
Rail of an altar stair.

God-like dust in a white urn—
Echoing note of it still
Stirs into flame-touched longing,
Fires of Parnassus-hill.

Conquering dust in a white urn!
(Hushed is the mourner's cry.)
Night . . and a new Star nurtures
At the breast of a Mother-Sky.

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