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BALLADE OF THE PRIMITIVE JEST, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: I am an ancient jest!
Last Line: I am a merry jest!
Subject(s): Jesters

I AM an ancient Jest!
Paleolithic man
In his arboreal nest
The sparks of fun would fan;
My outline did he plan,
And laughed like one possessed,
'Twas thus my course began,
I am a merry Jest.

I am an early Jest!
Man delved and built and span;
Then wandered South and West
The peoples Aryan,
I journeyed in their van;
The Semites, too, confessed, --
From Beersheba to Dan, --
I am a Merry Jest.

I am an ancient Jest,
Through all the human clan,
Red, black, white, free, oppressed,
Hilarious I ran!
I'm found in Lucian,
In Poggio, and the rest,
I'm dear to Moll and Nan!
I am a Merry Jest!


Prince, you may storm and ban --
Joe Millers are a pest,
Suppress me if you can!
I am a Merry Jest!

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