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CARNAGE: 4. RHEIMS, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Apollo mourns another parthenon
Last Line: More bitter than to battle — is to feel.
Alternate Author Name(s): Mackaye, Percy Wallace
Subject(s): Apollo; Mythology - Classical; Napoleon I (1769-1821); Pain; Rheims, France; Ruins; World War I; Suffering; Misery; First World War

APOLLO mourns another Parthenon
In ruins! — Is the God of Love awake?
And we — must we behold the world's heart break
For peace and beauty ravished, and look on
Dispassionate? — Rheims' gloried fane is gone:
Not by a planet's rupture, nor the quake
Of subterranean titans, but to slake
The vengeance of a Goth Napoleon.

O Time, let not the anguish numb or pall
Of that remembrance! Let no callous heal
Our world-wound, till our kindled pities call
The parliament of nations, and repeal
The vows of war. Till then, pain keep us thrall!
More bitter than to battle — is to feel.

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