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SONNET (7), by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Unhappy me, who am not one of them
Last Line: My spirit with the lost good my dreams adore.

Unhappy me, who am not one of them
That live with thee in all thy dwelling-places,
Thy father and dear mother, on whose faces
Thy daily kiss is laid, like a rich gem.
Alas! I may not touch thy garment's hem
Nor sin with steadfast gazing on thy graces:
How shall he live, nor die in thine embraces,
Whom thine abandoned beauties not contemn?
Yet he will be but one, thy parents two
And thy good friends and kindred scarce a score.
All mortals else thy sweetness never knew.
Happier than most men, then, and favoured more
I who in secret love thee, and renew
My spirit with the lost good my dreams adore.

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