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A REPUTATION VINDICATED, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: A bachelor of forty five
Last Line: For two years past, she had a baby!
Alternate Author Name(s): Old Simon; S.
Subject(s): Youth

A BACHELOR of forty five
Once took it in his head to wive;
As he was rich in lands and money,
All long'd to catch the fusty crony --
Old maids and misses were not idle,
The one must lisp, the other bridle:
Says farmer Blunt, come court our Sue,
Zounds neighbor, you can't better do;
What little Sue, why she's too green,
The girl has not yet seen sixteen.
If Sue should several years yet tarry,
She then would be full young to marry;
Too young -- tho' Sue's my own relation,
I'll speak to clear her reputation;
She's old enough to be your lady,
For two years past, she had a baby!

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