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THE CHILDREN'S WAY, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: The children bear our froward mood
Last Line: See, lord,—they bear with us.
Alternate Author Name(s): Hinkson, Katharine Tynan
Subject(s): Caregivers; Children; Parents; Patience; Tolerance; Childhood; Parenthood

THE children bear our froward mood,
Patient, enduring still.
Our anger like a heat in the blood
That strikes with little skill.

Because our way is choked with tares
And fears beset our sleep;
Because we weary Heaven with prayers
Lest that the children weep.

The children must be warmed and fed,
The children most adored:
Give them this day their daily bread!
What of to-morrow, Lord?

Therefore we strike them at their play
And grieve their hearts and chill:
O Lord, be patient with the clay
Thou'st moulded to Thy will.

See, Lord, the children understand!
Loyal and piteous,
They take the wounding from Love's hand.
See, Lord,—they bear with us.

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