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HOW GOD ANSWERS, by                    
First Line: He prayed for strength that he might achieve
Last Line: His prayer was answered - he was most blessed
Variant Title(s): Blessed
Subject(s): Prayer;religion; Theology

He prayed for strength that he might achieve;
He was made weak that he might obey.
He prayed for wealth that he might do greater things;
He was given infirmity that he might do better things.
He prayed for riches that he might be happy;
He was given poverty that he might be wise.
He prayed for power that he might have the praise of men;
He was given infirmity that he might feel the need of God.
He prayed for all things that he might enjoy life;
He was given life that he might enjoy all things.
He had received nothing that he asked for—all that he hoped for;
His prayer was answered—he was most blessed.

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