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"I SING OF A MAIDEN [OR, SYGE OF A MAYDEN]", by                    
First Line: I sing of a maiden that is makeles
Last Line: Well may such a lady / goddes mother be
Variant Title(s): Two Carols To Our Lady
Subject(s): Christmas Carols;mary. Mother Of Jesus;religion;women - Bible; Virgin Mary;theology

I Sing of a maiden
That is makeles;
King of alle kinges
To her son she ches.
He cam also stille
Ther His moder was,
As dew in Aprille
That falleth on the gras.
He cam also stille
To His moderes bowr,
As dew in Aprille
That falleth on the flowr.
He cam also stille
Ther His moder lay,
As dew in Aprille
That falleth on the spray.
Moder and maiden
Was never none but she;
Wel may swich a lady
Godes moder be.

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