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LUTE SONG SET BY ROBERT JONES, by                    
First Line: "farewell, dear love, since thou wilt needs be gone"
Last Line: "faith, let her go, or come, or tarry"
Variant Title(s): Song
Subject(s): Farewell; Parting

Farewell, dear Love! since thou wilt needs be gone:
Mine eyes do show my life is almost done.
Nay, I never will die
So long as I can spy;
There be many moe
Though that she do go.
There be many moe, I fear not.
Why then, let her go, I care not.
Farewell, farewell! since this I find is true,
I will not spend more time in wooing you.
But I will seek elsewhere
If I may find her there.
Shall I bid her go?
What and if I do?
Shall I bid her go, and spare not?
Oh, no, no, no, no, I dare not.
Ten thousand times farewell! Yet stay awhile,
Sweet, kiss me once; sweet kisses time beguile.
I have no power to move:
How now, am I in love?
Wilt thou needs be gone?
Go then, all is one.
Wilt thou needs be gone? Oh, hie thee!
Nay; stay, and do no more deny me.
Once more farewell! I see "loth to depart'
Bids oft adieu to her that holds my heart.
But, seeing I must lose
Thy love which I did choose.
Go thy ways for me,
Since it may not be.
Go thy ways for me. But whither?
Go, oh, but where I may come thither.
What shall I do? My love is now departed.
She is as fair as she is cruel-hearted:
She would not be entreated
With prayers oft repeated.
If she come no more,
Shall I die therefore?
If she come no more, what care I?
Faith, let her go, or come, or tarry!

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