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SAINTE MARGERIE, by                    
First Line: Slim feet than lilies tenderer
Last Line: C'est ca sainte margerie
Subject(s): Love;saints;soul

SLIM feet than lilies tenderer, --
That scarce upbore the body of her,
Naked upon the stones they were; --
C'est ca Sainte Margerie!

White as a shroud the silken gown, --
That flowed from shoulder to ankle down,
With clear blue shadows along it thrown;
C'est ca Sainte Margerie!

On back and bosom withouten braid, --
In crisped glory of darkling red,
Round creamy temples her hair was shed; --
C'est ca Sainte Margerie!

Eyes, like a dim sea, viewed from far, --
Lips that no earthly love shall mar,
More sweet that lips of mortals are; --
C'est ca Sainte Margerie!

The chamber walls are cracked and bare; --
Without the gossips stood astare
At men her bed away that bare; --
C'est ca Sainte Margerie!

Five pennies lay her hand within, --
So she her fair soul's weal might win,
Little she reck'd of dule or teen; --
C'est ca Sainte Margerie!

Dank straw from dunghill gathered, --
Where fragrant swine have made their bed,
Thereon her body shall be laid; --
C'est ca Sainte Margerie!

Three pennies to the poor in dole, --
One to the clerk her knell shall toll,
And one to masses for her soul; --
C'est ca Sainte Margerie!

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