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THE DEATH OF QUEEN JANE, by                    
First Line: Queen jane was in labour
Last Line: Lying mouldering away
Subject(s): Stillbirth; Death - Childbirth

Queen Jane was in labour
Six weeks and some more;
The women grew wearied,
And the midwife gave o'er.
"O women, kind women,
I take you to be,
Just pierce my right side open
And save my baby."
"O no," said the women,
"That never could be;
I'll send for King Henry
In the time of your need."
King Henry was sent for
On horseback and speed;
King Henry he reached her
In the hour of her need.
King Henry he come
And he bent o'er the bed:
"What's the matter with my flower
Makes her eyes look so red?"
"O Henry, kind Henry,
Pray listen to me,
And pierce my right side open
And save my baby."
"O no," said King Henry,
"That never could be,
I would lose my sweet flower
To save my baby."
Queen Jane she turned over
And fell in a swound,
And her side was pierced open
And the baby was found.
The baby were christened
All on the next day;
But its mother's poor body
Lay cold as the clay.
So black was the mourning,
So yellow was the bed,
So costly was the white robe
Queen Jane was wrapped in.
Six men wore their robes,
Four carrying her along;
King Henry followed after
With his black mourning on.
King Henry he wept
Till his hands was wrung sore.
The flower of England
Will flourish no more.
And the baby were christened
All on the next day,
And its mother's poor body
Lying mouldering away.

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