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THE RIPE AND BEARDED BARLEY, by                    
First Line: "come out, 'tis now september"
Last Line: Is smiling on the scythe!
Subject(s): Harvest

Come out, 'tis now September,
The hunter's moon's begun;
And through the wheaten stubble
We hear the frequent gun;
The leaves are turning yellow,
And fading into red,
While the ripe and bearded barley
Is hanging down its head.
All among the barley,
Who would not be blithe,
While the ripe and bearded barley
Is smiling on the scythe!
The wheat is like a rich man,
It's sleek and well-to-do;
The oats are like a pack of girls,
They're thin and dancing too,
The rye is like a miser,
Both sulky, lean, and small,
Whilst the ripe and bearded barley
Is the monarch of them all.
All among the barley,
Who would not be blithe,
While the ripe and bearded barley
Is smiling on the scythe!
The spring is like a young maid
That does not know her mind,
The summer is a tyrant
Of most ungracious kind;
The autumn is an old friend
That pleases all he can,
And brings the bearded barley
To glad the heart of man.
All among the barley,
Who would not be blithe,
When the ripe and bearded barley
Is smiling on the scythe!

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