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THE WOMAN YOU USED TO LOVE, by                    
First Line: Did you ever go back to the woman you used
Last Line: "loved and lost, and found again in a friend who understood"
Subject(s): Friendship

Did you ever go back to the woman you used to love, after it was all over --
the heartaches, the self-conflict, the numbness, and all that -- to find in her
a friend who understood, whose spirit had grown sweeter, finer, truer than it
used to be in the old days when you loved but did not understand how beautiful
is such a friendship, and how rare? There is a tenderness between you, a
sincerity of truth, a subtle bond of union infinitely greater in its strength
and firmness than the old-time passion ever bore. It isn't love as the world
sees it; it doesn't ruffle you or make you blind; there is no swift and frequent
alteration of ecstacy and despair; no jealousy, or intoxication of the senses,
but just peace and natural sympathy, and a subtle, quiet gladness of the soul.
You never quite forget her, even though you meet another woman -- which you
always do -- and marry her for love. There is always the fragrant memory of the
other woman, whom you loved and lost, and found again in a friend who

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