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TO CHRISTINA ROSSETTI, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Lady, we would behold thee moving bright
Last Line: Thou hadst breathed joy in earth and in thy kind
Alternate Author Name(s): Field, Michael (with Edith Emma Cooper)
Subject(s): Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894)

Lady, we would behold thee moving bright
As Beatrice or Matilda 'mid the trees,
Alas! thy moan was as a moan for ease
And passage through cool shadows to the night:
Fleeing from love, hadst thou not poet's right
To slip into the universe? The seas
Are fathomless to rivers drowned in these,
And sorrow is secure in leafy light.
Ah, had this secret touched thee, in a tomb
Thou hadst not buried thy enchanting self,
As happy Syrinx murmuring with the wind,
Or Daphne thrilled through all her mystic bloom,
From safe recess as genius or as elf,
Thou hadst breathed joy in earth and in thy kind.

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