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CHILD OF WAR, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Her ivory face, quivering but trembling not
Subject(s): Soldiers

Her ivory face, quivering but trembling not,

Upheld against a sky of angry storm;

Sing Bethlehem ! Sing Bethlehem!
Her ivory face, quivering but trembling not,
She stands upon her savage chariot,
You daughters of Jerusalem!
Fronting the field of Death, a silent form.
Upheld against a sky of angry storm;
The eagles' daughter, this day she forgot
She stands upon her savage chariot,
Keep sorrow for Gethsemani,
Pity and peace for the first time, and went
Fronting the field of Death, a silent form.
And mourning for Mount Calvary!

To watch the waves of war break, and be spent.
The eagle's daughter, this day she forgot

Pity and peace for the first time, and went

To watch the waves of war break, and be spent.
Why are your lids and lashes wet?
Homeward, with shadows passing on her face,

Here is no darkling Olivet.
Strange lights with strange tears battling in her eyes;

Sing Bethlehem ! Sing Bethlehem!
You daughters of Jerusalem!
Homeward, with shadows passing on her face,
She goes the triumph way of her old race,
Watching the eagles gather in the skies.
Strange lights with strange tears battling in her eyes;

Tasted hath she this day death's busy place:

She goes the triumph way of her old race,
How should we sing of Bethlehem,
Watching the eagles gather in the skies.
And in her heart called up to equal fight,
Daughter of eagles, loathing and delight.
Tasted hath she this day death's busy place:
We, daughters of Jerusalem?
And in her heart called up to equal fight,

We are the people of the Jews:
Our balms would soothe Him not, but bruise.

Daughter of eagles, loathing and delight.
Sing Bethlehem! Sing Bethlehem!

You daughters of Jerusalem!
Ah, Calvary! ah, Calvary!
Keep sorrow for Gethsemani,
And mourning for Mount Calvary!
We wretched women cry to thee:
We, daughters of Jerusalem;

And enemies of Bethlehem.
Why are your lids and lashes wet?

Here is no darkling Olivet.

With faces cast upon the dust,
Sing Bethlehem! Sing Bethlehem!
You daughters of Jerusalem!
We weep those things, which do we must:
Our tears embitter Calvary,

And water thee, Gethsemani!

How should we sing of Bethlehem,
We, daughters of Jerusalem?

We are the people of the Jews:
Nay, Bethlehem! Sing Bethlehem!
Poor daughters of Jerusalem!
Our balms would soothe Him not, but bruise.

You know not, what you do: but He
Will pardon you on Calvary.

Ah, Calvary! ah, Calvary!

We wretched women cry to thee:
We, daughters of Jerusalem;
And enemies of Bethlehem.

With faces cast upon the dust,
We weep those things, which do we must:
Our tears embitter Calvary,
And water thee, Gethsemani!

Nay, Bethlehem! Sing Bethlehem!
Poor daughters of Jerusalem!
You know not, what you do: but He
Will pardon you on Calvary.

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