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DEATH OF GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE, by             Poem Explanation         Poet's Biography
First Line: We know nothing
Last Line: Death would be a fine long journey %and limitless holidays for flesh structures and bones
Alternate Author Name(s): Rosenstock, Sami; Rosenfeld, S.
Subject(s): Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880-1918); Dadaism; Poetry And Poets; Surrealism

We know nothing
We know nothing of grief
The bitter season of cold
Ploughs long furrows in our muscles
He would have rather enjoyed delight in victory
We wise beneath calm sorrows caged
Unable to do a thing
If the snow fell upwards
If the sun rose among us during the night
To warm us
And the trees hung there in a wreath
- The only tear -
If the birds were among us to be mirrored
In the tranquil lake above our heads
Death would be a long and beautiful voyage
And an endless holiday for the flesh for structure for bone.

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