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TEN COMMANDMENTS, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: The great almighty spake, and thus said he
Subject(s): Ten Commandments

THe great Almighty spake; And thus said he;
I am the LORD thy GOD; And I alone
From cruell Ae·ypts thraldome set thee free:
And other G·DS but Me thou shalt haue none.
Haue mercy LORD, and so our hearts encline,
That we may keepe this blessed Law of thine.
Thou shalt not make an Image, to adore,
Of ought on earth aboue it, or below:
A Carued Worke thou shalt not ··w before;
Nor any worship on the same ·estowe.
For, I thy GOD, a Iealous GOD am knowne;
And on their Seed the Fathers sinnes correct;
Untill the third, and fourth Descent be gone:
But them I alwaies loue, that me affect.
Haue mercy LORD, and so our hearts encline,
That we may keepe this blessed Law of thine

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