Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Searching... Author: andrews, bruce Matches Found: 147 Andrews, Bruce Poet's Biography 147 poems available by this author AKA First Line: Lola the elder Last Line: Made of onionskin Subject(s): Language Poetry ALL OF MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD Last Line: Sausage lacks refinement AM I ALIVE Last Line: Lest you should ever acquire knowledge AMERICA SHOPS First Line: America shops, atomic veterans, Last Line: They're just terminals -- let's die AND THE LOVE OF LAUGHTER First Line: What he lent himself studious of blind faith Subject(s): Language Poetry ANIMAL DICKS IN BED Last Line: Isn't that a goofy word, legislation? ANTI-ENLIGHTENMENT First Line: Anti-enlightenment ship of fools Last Line: Lithomatic tree-frog, the appendages are fixed in place ARE YOU TIRED First Line: Are you tired of your dog ignoring you Last Line: Of the sexes float above euclidean hammer blows AS IF SCIENCE First Line: As if science consisted of so many beans in a bottle Last Line: I do not dream of nebraska AUTOCRACY MANAGED BY MIDGETS Last Line: I understand your concern, but I don't care BLAB MIND BLAB BODY Last Line: Better bathroom privileges. Spores BOIL ME, BROIL ME Last Line: Pressure with the passion; police want sleeker crimes BOMB THEN, BOMB NOW First Line: Bomb then, bomb now -- doing the breathing arsenic job Last Line: Her usual spinster tourist spitfire fantasy causes stress: the universe is perfect BORDER STATE HAS TO GROW UP Last Line: I'm not hot-dogging you BREED YOUR FOLLOWERS Last Line: Us out of everything we own CAPITAL IS NOT A QUANTITY OF MONEY Last Line: Eden is a commodity CASH MANAGERS PIE THEIR BRUTE Last Line: Alcohol stimulates me, todt CEREBELLUM REPLACED WITH JOY STICK Last Line: Webbed feet because it has eaten its brother in the womb CIVIL TONGUE Last Line: Swirl those nits, salivate with insincerity COMMUNISM IS A MORALE PROBLEM Last Line: Relief from diarrhea CONFIDENCE TRICK First Line: Intentionally leaderless - recite this alphabet; body never ends Subject(s): Language Poetry COUGH UP AT PREMIUM Last Line: Gutless jewels, gills are a gash COULD DARWIN INSTRUCT THOSE TURTLES Last Line: When I'm not thinking I lose my gills CULTURE JUST REUPHOLSTERS Last Line: And mao makes 5 DEFINITION First Line: A -- on how Last Line: Awkwardness -- listens hard DIVESTITURE-C, SEL. First Line: Mustard will outlive them Last Line: This case of uplift %creature %display DIVINE ASSURANCE EXPIRES JANUARY 1, 1984 Last Line: Who deserves it DON'T WRITE DOWN YOUR THOUGHTS Last Line: Never have acquired it in the first place DOUBLE BAGGING Last Line: For me, compromise is nausea EDUCATION HELPS ME SQUIRT Last Line: Clitoris with a night light EVERYTHING YOU DON'T KNOW IS WRONG Last Line: Marxist-leninists are forgiven FALSEHOOD First Line: Falsehood would be perfect for us Last Line: Description reinforces the shit FERTILITY IS ABSOLUTE ALTRUISM Last Line: Blame others for blaming ourself FILM NOIR First Line: Iris in FINITE UNTIL, SELS First Line: Hot contouring chameleon restuck Last Line: Set-up flaps betray the snub peepshow endangerers FROM THEIR SMALL PENIS Last Line: A critique of meaning GESTALT ME OUT Last Line: Stalk my balk GETTING READY TO HAVE BEEN FRIGHTENED First Line: All I want GIVE EM ENOUGH ROPE First Line: Accurate I mean that's what, side by side, you GRACE HAMPERS SKIN Last Line: At the end of your arm-pits HELP DEFEAT YOUR COUNTRY Last Line: Person's illusion of freedom HOW TO ATTRACT LOVE First Line: How to attract love - the establishment of a code of conduct for I AM YOUR PROBLEM Last Line: 80s is the decade of bodily abuse I CAN'T WATCH THE FREEDOM Last Line: 2,000 years is enough I GUESS WORK THE TIME UP First Line: Apart %meant I LIKE TO WATCH THE PATTIES MELT Last Line: You are the groundhog but it's not groundhog day I LTHINK Last Line: Lipstick line of fire which have acquired the most political visibility; spit, hit, that's it I NEED ATTENTION BAD Last Line: Flags of convenience, so what else is new I REGRET ZOOLOGY Last Line: A man without a penis is overprotective I WANT EDUCATED OXEN Last Line: Try to misunderstand the opinions of others I WHO PROUD DRUGS BE Last Line: Nothing bears any fruit right now I'M TOO BUSY TO COMPROMISE Last Line: Well, that's big of you IF A PEPPERMINT PATTY COULD SING Last Line: Milkshakes -- surrender IF IT'S A BOMB Last Line: How little we know IF PODS COULD TALK Last Line: I wish for crayons in your nose IN THE PART MECHANMIZED HEART Last Line: Wish for a deadpan horse INNOCENT BUT NOT AMBULATORY Last Line: Whenever are you not a word? IS THERE A HYPHEN IN HARD-ON Last Line: I'll take a breast also ISOLATE YOUR FUSE Last Line: Can buy rugs & hide IT'S TIME TO STOP GLORIFYING THE WHITE ARMY Last Line: Don't you have any philosophy of life beyond self-indultence JERK OFF IN THE BREADCRUMBS Last Line: I want treat saturation JIMMIES ON MY DICK Last Line: Colonizing planets who broke his heart JUST BECAUSE Last Line: I limited my rebellion to mere gestures in the guest book JUST LET IT BURN ITSELF ON THE BULB Last Line: We spit on your grave LEARN TO BE DISPENSABLE Last Line: Deduce the peg, ditching is imminent LIFE IS A SCHOLARSHIP Last Line: Yeah. It's a helpy-selfy LIP SERVICE: EARTH 1 First Line: Dear... %moves %buffing beams Last Line: In typewriter because you have a problem?--finite %fine LIP SERVICE: EARTH 3 First Line: Smartly pointed wrote Last Line: Forget of course %thought sickens heart LIP SERVICE: EARTH 6 First Line: Dear refine the line sir: nobody wants you here, if you Last Line: & that's why attention span went off LIP SERVICE: MARS 10 First Line: Editing is composition lab pleasure Last Line: Dolls are the opposite of applause; %lap's in public interest LIP SERVICE: MARS 5 First Line: I clatter round, sit through Last Line: Vactionhood, %soon sweet %dance round my neck LIP SERVICE: MARS 8 First Line: Certainty 'thinks' %hope with warning lesson, downturned Last Line: Totally gratuitous extra-ordinary facts LOVE SONG NO 38 Poem Text Subject(s): Language Poetry LOVE SONG NO 48 Poem Text Subject(s): Language Poetry MAKE YOUR CUSTOMERS NAUSEOUS Last Line: So thank you, nikita MARS 6 / FROM LIP SERVICE Poem Text First Line: O awkward more vagrant thicker Subject(s): Language Poetry MATTER OF FACT First Line: Sanity be applicable something men Subject(s): Language Poetry METAPHOR AS ILLNESS Last Line: The ditch is my shepherd, I shall not want MY OVARIES DON'T HAVE ENOUGH ROOM Last Line: Perform to be unlike meaning MY ROOTS, NO THANKS Last Line: What's the one name to remember when you go grocery shopping NEON HELPS US STUPID Last Line: Too bad we can't pee out of our nipples NO 11 Poem Text Subject(s): Language Poetry NO 116 Poem Text Subject(s): Language Poetry O, MY ARMS CATCH ON THE NAILS Last Line: Shut up, america O, THOSE HAPPY HAPPY DOGS Last Line: Come lick my stylus OH, GLAZE ME BIG Last Line: Literature is worse than life ONLY THE EGO CAN PICK UP A PENCIL Last Line: When columbus got to america, he said I'm not in the mood OPPRESSION IS FEAR Last Line: Staying alive means writing a book PAST IS NOT INTERESTED Last Line: Women do not wear beards & think they have something to listen to PATERNALISM CAUSES CANCER Last Line: My mind shall fight for me PENIS IS HEGEMONIC Last Line: Daily activity of slaves PEOPLE ARE PROUD OF THOSE THEY OWN Last Line: Happy the people the lord has chosen to be someone else's PEOPLE ARE SO POPULAR Last Line: Footnotes trashed my desk PITY THE LOAN SHARK Last Line: Rooms that behave PLEX First Line: Ethnomethodology POLITICAL ECONOMY MEANS RED Last Line: C.I.A. Stole my brain PRAXIS First Line: Pizzicati of glass PRIMUM MOBILE 4, FR. LIP SERVICE First Line: Noon's night - phosphorous seed sensamilla singed fanfare Last Line: Revolutionary delight off the scale PUBLIC DOESN'T EXIST Last Line: Your teeth are showing PUBLIC FIRST, SELF SECOND Last Line: Decided that I didn't exist PURPLE PEOPLE-EATERS Last Line: So let me digress REVOLUTION MEANS STABILITY Last Line: Non-swimming sperm; free lunch SAVE HE PANDA OIL BELIEVES IN Last Line: Bombers in their own vaults SCRAPE ME OFF Last Line: Urinating while driving SELL YOUR FRIENDS: THINK RICH; STUPIDER Last Line: Me to be sympathetic or do you want my money SEMEN DONOR Last Line: Heart stays in code SLURPY WHITE DO Last Line: Oedipal is too consumptive of the body; bulllshittism SNAKES IN HEAT Last Line: Get those antiques off my hump SNOWPONY First Line: If if if. To tastest pinkish hypno hormone prowl. A copycat Last Line: Gag me a transition, toss off the blink SOCIETY STARTS WALKING AGAIN Last Line: History recedes; future congeals SPECIES MEANS GUILT First Line: Species means guilt. Slave ship somatism grease their wings Last Line: Are happy without our help STALIN'S GENIUS First Line: Stalin's genius consisted of not french-kissing: Last Line: Nationalism just means delegate somebody else's self-importance STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL First Line: The a in arboretum - he fixed the star to his apron ... SWAPS EGO First Line: Double you double you see triple three triple three triple THANKS TO HIT YOU Last Line: No mass weapons. Fleshheads! THIS UNITY SOUNDS POSTUREPEDIC TO ME Last Line: That we might live THOSE NASTY OLD EMOTIONS TAKE OVER Last Line: Why should he like guys -- he's no lesbian TIZZY BOOST, SEL. First Line: The higher calling Last Line: Is convention's blanket tipped slightly under-- %sun bombs the wish TOILING VIRGIN MIDGETS Last Line: Go marginalize yourself TRUE FLIP TO First Line: Too since TUCK IN YOUR CHAINS Last Line: Two from you. Wow, contagious UNIT COSTS First Line: How to obtain foliation VOWELS First Line: Avoid doing extra when you have WE ARE MODERN Last Line: Here, all you do is breathe WE ARE NOT A COUNTRY Last Line: Despise yourself for conforming WE CONFINE OURSELVES TO OTHER PEOPLE'S BEDS Last Line: We have barely begun to speak WE FINGER TO SPURN THE BEEF Last Line: White elephant bullet trains WE OWN IT BUT THEY PLAY IT Last Line: The worst is yet to come WHILE Poem Text First Line: Were I idiom and Last Line: Taut that the Subject(s): Language Poetry WHILE First Line: Were I idiom and Subject(s): Language Poetry WHO HAS THE PLIERS TO DOUBT IT Last Line: I'm heating my finger up WHO IS GUILTY Last Line: Hypnosis bujilds a better you WHO SHOUTED?: 4 First Line: I dreamed of staring eyes Last Line: Carry a heavy load %slandered WHO SHOUTED?: 5 First Line: Dream of chocolate Last Line: Full moon %in childbirth WHO SHOUTED?: 6 First Line: I dreamed of hunting Last Line: Candles %fat %money %ticks WHO SHOUTED?: 7 First Line: Obscenity %game runs away Last Line: Gorgeous sunset %end of the world WHO SHOUTED?: FIVE First Line: What happened will happen again Last Line: Hedgehog of arrows in the blue chest WHO SHOUTED?: FOUR First Line: Approve my %so you have come Last Line: In the evening work about your dreams & the stars WHO SHOUTED?: ONE First Line: My got %up out of who shouted? Last Line: Black seeds in a white soil WHO SHOUTED?: SEVEN First Line: And the fire at the ends of their hands Last Line: You are looking at them WHO SHOUTED?: SIX First Line: Corn center %fat stubby cigars Last Line: Lucky days on the stingless verb bees WHO SHOUTED?: THREE First Line: Who prefers the answers? Last Line: Who owns what? WHO SHOUTED?: TWO First Line: You're harvesting %formal parting: be careful what you see Last Line: The as if--& the unless YOU DO THEIR OWN THING Last Line: We appropriate the past by failing to vote for it YOU MADE THIS WORLD, WE DIDN'T Last Line: Hammer the individual into solidarity ZERO TOLERANCE IS TOO WET FOR ME Poem Text ZERO TOLERANCE IS TOO WET FOR ME Last Line: I'll put incentives back into bleach Subject(s): Language Poetry |