Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Searching... Keyword: richard crashaw Matches Found: 393 A HYMN IN THE GLORIOUS EPIPHANIE OF OUR LORD, GOD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Bright babe! Whose awfull beautyes make Last Line: The world's and his hyperion. Subject(s): Epiphany; Twelfth Night A HYMN [TO THE NAME AND] IN HONOR OF SAINT TERESA, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poem Explanation Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Love, thou art absolute sole lord Last Line: Must learn in life to die like thee. Variant Title(s): In Memory Of The Vertuous And Learned ... Early Martyrdom Subject(s): Nuns; Teresa, Saint (1515-1582); Teresa Of Jesus, Saint; Teresa Of Avila, Saint; Theresa, Saint A SONG [OF DIVINE LOVE], by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lord, when the sense of thy sweet grace Last Line: Dead to my selfe, I live in thee. Subject(s): Consolation AENEAS, THE BEARER OF HIS FATHER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The walls of troy Last Line: Happy are you who will be said to be the father of your own father Subject(s): Mythology - Classical AN ELEGIE ON THE DEATH OF DR. PORTER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Stay, silver-footed came, strive not to wed Last Line: Are teeming now with store of fresh supplies. Subject(s): Porter, George (d. 1635) AN ELEGY UPON THE DEATH OF MR. STANNINOW, FELLOW OF QUEENE'S, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hath aged winter, fledg'd with feathered raine Last Line: Let each eye water't with a courteous teare. Subject(s): Stanninow, James (d. 1635) AN EPITAPH UPON DOCTOR BROOKE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: A brooke whose streame so great, so good Last Line: The muses with their teares supply. Subject(s): Brooke, Samuel (d. 1631) AN EPITAPH UPON HUSBAND AND WIFE WHO DIED AND WERE BURIED, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: To these, whom death again did wed Last Line: Whose day shall never die in night. Variant Title(s): Epitaph Upon A Young Married Couple Dead And Buryed Together Subject(s): Death; Love; Love - Marital; Marriage; Dead, The; Wedded Love; Marriage - Love; Weddings; Husbands; Wives AN EPITAPH UPON MR. ASHTON A COMFORTABLE CITIZEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The modest front of this small floore Last Line: His life still kept alive in thee. AND HE ANSWERED THEM NOTHING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O mighty nothing! Unto thee Last Line: Tis made by nothing now again Subject(s): Bible; Religion AND NOW WHERE'RE HE STRAYS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography Last Line: Portable, & compendious oceans ANSWER FOR HOPE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Dear hope! Earth's dowry, and heaven's debt! Last Line: The god of nature in the field of grace. Variant Title(s): Richard Crashaw's Answer For Hope;on Hope Subject(s): Hope; Optimism APOLOGIE FOR THE HYMNE IN MEMORY OF LADY MADRE DE TERESA (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Thus have I back againe to thy bright name APOLOGIE FOR THE HYMNE IN MEMORY OF LADY MADRE DE TERESA (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Thus have I back again to thy bright name Last Line: May drink it self up, and forget to dy. Variant Title(s): An Apologie For The Fore-goving Hymne Subject(s): Teresa, Saint (1515-1582); Teresa Of Jesus, Saint; Teresa Of Avila, Saint; Theresa, Saint ARION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: On the scaly, living Last Line: The wind attends to this raft; it does not draw; it is drawn Subject(s): Mythology - Classical BEAUTIES ARE NOT LASTING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Alas for the short and envied spring! Last Line: Will condemn the lofty pride of nature %to the pit of the grave BIRTH AND BURIAL OF THE PHOENIX, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Phoenix, child of death Last Line: Live, sweet wonder, live %and be sufficient unto yourself Subject(s): Phoenix (mythical Bird) BLESSED BE THE PAPS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Suppose he had been tabled at thy teats Last Line: The mother then must sunk the son Subject(s): Bible; Religion BRIT. MUS. ADD. MS. 33219, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: At th' ivory tribunall of your hand Last Line: Is her lifes wing, or her death's winding-sheet. Variant Title(s): With Some Poems Sent To A Gentlewoman (1) Subject(s): Books; Reading BUBBLE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Why does my silly bubble offer its roundness to you? Last Line: Indeed it was time then to have been able to die Subject(s): Bubbles BUT MEN LOVED DARKNESS RATHER THAN LIGHT, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The world's light shines; shine as it will Last Line: It will not love its darkness half so well Subject(s): Bible; Religion CHARITAS NIMIA; OR THE DEAR BARGAIN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lord, what is man? Why should he coste thee Last Line: As then in death, so now in love. Subject(s): Humility CHRIST CRUCIFIED, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Thy restless feet now cannot go Last Line: It gives tho' bound, tho' bound 'tis free! Subject(s): Crucifixion; Jesus Christ - Crucifixion CHRIST TO THOMAS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Thy imperious finger, would it, then, reborrow Last Line: That on a living christ thou mayst rely, %cruel, wouldst thou thy christ recrucify? Subject(s): Jesus Christ CRASHAWE THE ANAGRAMME. HE WAS CAR, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Was car the crashawe; or was crashawe car DEATH'S LECTURE AT THE FUNERAL OF A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Dear reliques of a dislodg'd soul, whose lack Last Line: Of all interpreters read nature true. Variant Title(s): Upon Mr. Staninoughs Death Subject(s): Stanninow, James (d. 1635) DESCRIPTION OF HUMAN LIFE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O life, or at least a certain fleeting madness Last Line: Of the vagrant year, his own sober defender Subject(s): Life DESCRIPTION OF SPRING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Now is the time when the new sun increased in hours Last Line: And orders [them] to flash more wantonly like his own star Subject(s): Spring DIVINE EPIGRAMS, SELS., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poet Analysis Poet's Biography Subject(s): Holy Innocents; Miracles; Religion DIVINE LOVE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography Subject(s): Religion ELEGY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Go my tears go, for I do not delay [you]. But I pray Last Line: Meanwhile, whoever you are, do not think it strange %if real tears have not learned to speak Subject(s): Herrys, William (d. 1631) ELEGY ON THE DEATH OF THE LADY PARKER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Can such perfection fade? Can vertue die ELEGY UPON THE DEATH OF MR CHRISTOPHER ROUSE ESQUIRE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Christopher rouse ELEGY UPON THE DEATH OF MR WM CARRE ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Death hath drawne our golden carre EPIGRAM, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Twixt pen and pensill rose a holy strife EPITAPH, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Heer in deaths closett, reader, know EPITAPH, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Whoever you are, joyous in an age of nectar Last Line: Surely hither you will bring tears of fear Subject(s): Death EPITAPH ON MASTER HERRIS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Stpo for a while, wayfarer, where you will have to remain for Last Line: That wickedness shouls alter his understanding; namely 15 october, in the year of salvation 1631 Subject(s): Herrys, William (d. 1631) EPITAPH ON THE REV. DR. BROOKE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Beneath this earth (not heavy) he laid his head Last Line: Although long, he did not seem tired. Do you even believe he is dead? Subject(s): Brooke, Samuel (d. 1631) EPITAPH UPON A YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography EPITHALAMIUM, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Come virgin tapers of pure waxe Last Line: Sweet'st in the close. Subject(s): Marriage; Weddings; Husbands; Wives EUTHANASIA; OR, THE HAPPY DEATH, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Wouldst see blithe looks, fresh cheeks beguile FOR THE VERY REVEREND GENTLEMAN, BENJAMIN LANY, SELS., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poet Analysis Poet's Biography Subject(s): Laney, Benjamin (1591-1675) GOOD WOMAN MADE WELCOME IN HEAVEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Angels, thy old friends, there shall greet thee HIS EPITAPH, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Passenger who e're thou art Last Line: Is he entomb'd, but in thy heart. Subject(s): Herrys, William (d. 1631) HYMN FOR THE CIRCUMCISION DAY OF OUR LORD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Rise thou first and fairest morning HYMN IN THE ASSUMPTION (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Harke shee is called, the parting houre is come Last Line: Our weak desires have done their best; %sweet angels come, and sing the rest Variant Title(s): On The Assumptio Subject(s): Assumption, The (theology); Mary. Mother Of Jesus; Women - Bible HYMN IN THE ASSUMPTION (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hark! She is called, the parting hour is come Last Line: Sweet angels come, and sing the rest. Variant Title(s): In The Assumption;on The Assumption Of The Virgin Mary;on The Glorious Assumption Of Our Blessed Lady [or Virgin] Subject(s): Assumption, The (theology); Mary. Mother Of Jesus; Women In The Bible; Virgin Mary HYMN IN THE HOLY NATIVITY (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Come wee shepherds who have seen Last Line: At last, in fire of thy faire eyes, %wee'l burne, our owne best sacrifice Variant Title(s): A Hymn On The Nativity, Sung By The Shepherd Subject(s): Christmas HYMN OF THE NATIVITY, SELS., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poet Analysis Poet's Biography HYMN TO THE NAME OF JESUS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I sing the name which none can say Last Line: And break before thee. Variant Title(s): To The Name Above Every Name Subject(s): Jesus Christ HYMN TO VENUS. AS THE VIRGINS PASS TO HER GUARDIANSHIP, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Be at hand at your rites, dear venus Last Line: Girdle breathes. By whatever your adonis %once said or did to you Subject(s): Mythology - Classical; Venus (goddess) IN THE HOLY NATIVITY [OF OUR LORD GOD]; AS SUNG BY SHEPHERDS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poem Explanation Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Come, we shepherds, whose blest sight Last Line: Our selves become our own best sacrifice. Variant Title(s): At Bethlehem;hymn Of The Nativity;the Nativity;hymn In The Holy Nativity (2) Subject(s): Christmas; Jesus Christ; Nativity, The KING'S RETURN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: He returns, he returns. At this the people roll forth a mighty roar Last Line: Because we can truly say, he is returned Subject(s): Charles I, King Of England (1600-1649) LETTER TO THE COUNTESS OF DENBIGH (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What heaven-entreated heart is this Last Line: This fort of your fair selfe, if't be not won, %he is repulst indeed; but you are undone Variant Title(s): To The Noblest And Best Of Ladies, The Countess Of Denbig Subject(s): Religion LETTER TO THE COUNTESS OF DENBIGH (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What heaven-besieged heart is this Last Line: He is repuls'd indeed, but you'r undone. Variant Title(s): Against Irresolution [and Delay In Matters Of Religion] Subject(s): Religion; Theology LOVE'S NIGHTINGALE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Though now 'tis neither may nor june Last Line: Shall sitt and sing. Variant Title(s): With Some Poems Sent To A Gentlewoman (2) Subject(s): Birds; Books; Nightingales; Reading LOVES HOROSCOPE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Love, brave vertues younger brother Last Line: Love shall live, although he dye. Subject(s): Astrology & Astrologers; Love MALCHUS' EAR, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Well, peter, dost thou wield thy active sword Last Line: To strike at ears, is to take heed there be %no witness, peter, of thy perjury Subject(s): Jesus Christ MARK 4. WHY ARE YE AFRAID, O YE OF LITTLE FAITH?, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: As if the storme meant him NEW YEAR'S DAY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Rise, thou best and brightest morning! Last Line: But in thy fairest eyes find two for one. Variant Title(s): Hymn For New Year's Day Subject(s): Christmas; Holidays; New Year; Nativity, The NO MORE MY PILLOW THINE ALTAR BE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography Subject(s): Sleep NOW HAD THE NIGHT'S COMPANION FROM HER DEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography Subject(s): Sleep ODE ON A PRAYER BOOK SENT TO MRS. M.R., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lo! Here a little volume, but great [or large] book! Last Line: To have her god become her lover. Variant Title(s): Prayer. An Ode Prefixed;prayer: Gentle-woman Subject(s): Nuns OFFICE OF THE HOLY CROSSE; 2ND VERSION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The wakefull matines hast to sing Last Line: My dying life may draw a new, and never fleeting breath. Variant Title(s): The Hymn: The Howres For The Hour Of Matines OFFICE OF THE HOLY CROSSE; 2ND VERSION: INTRODUCTION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Thou shalt open my lippes, o lord Last Line: World without end. Amen. OFFICE OF THE HOLY CROSSE; FIRST VERSION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The wakefull dawning hast's to sing Last Line: So from his living, and life-giving death, %my dying life draw a new, and never fleeting breath ON A FOUL [OR, FOULE] MORNING [BEING THEN TO TAKE A JOURNEY], by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Where art thou, sol, while thus the blindfold day Last Line: Let it suffice, shee'l weare no maske to day. ON A TREATISE OF CHARITY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Rise then, immortall maid! Religion rise Last Line: To be a true protestant, 's but to hate the pope. Variant Title(s): Upon The Ensuing Treatises [or Mr. Shelford] ON APOLLO PINING FOR DAPHNE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Foolish cupid, %what is your flame preparing? Last Line: On one side burning grief persuades [him to come forth], on the other [love repells him] Subject(s): Mythology - Classical ON BP. ANDREWES'S PICTURE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: This picture, this sacred face of which has divided to prosper Last Line: Since you have given life to so many pictures, dear father, %this one picture justly gives life to y Subject(s): Andrewes, Lancelot,(1555-1626); Clergy ON GEORGE HERBERT'S BOOK, THE TEMPLE, SENT TO A GENTLEWOMAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poem Explanation Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Know you, fair, on what you look Last Line: Of your white hand, they are mine. Subject(s): Books; Herbert, George (1593-1633); Reading ON HOPE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hope, whose weak being ruined is Last Line: The god of nature in the field of grace ON HOPE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hail, thou goddess hope. Goddess prolonging the eager Last Line: O, holy nurse, o open the nourishing folds of your %bosom. A thirst I struggle Subject(s): Hope ON MARRIAGE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I would be married, but I'de have no wife Last Line: I would be married to a single life. Subject(s): Marriage; Weddings; Husbands; Wives ON MARY MAGDALENE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Her eyes' flood licks his feet's fair stain Subject(s): Mary Magdalen; Women - Bible ON PYGMALION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: He grieves for his art Last Line: Alas she will be too harmful whose statue does harm Subject(s): Pygmalion ON THE BIRTH OF PRINCESS MARY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Spare, fierce winter, spare your fury Last Line: Because of such nectar, [he will be able] to spurn the tables of the gods ON THE DEATH OF THE VENERABLE REV. DR. MANSELL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Does death then again a second time with her tragic hand Last Line: Must be considered than that which exists throughout life ON THE DEATH OF WM HENSHAW STUDENT IN EMAN. COLL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: See asweet streame of helicon ON THE DELIVERY OF THE FAIREST QUEEN IN WINTER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Garlands, boy: (what garden would not offer flowers now?) Last Line: One the month of charles, the next the month of mary Subject(s): Henrietta Maria, Queen Of England ON THE FACE OF MOST MAJESTIC KING RECOVERED FROM SMALL POX, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Return muse; our propitious mother to the university calls: lo you Last Line: In the latter the king showed he was a man; in the former, a god Subject(s): Charles I, King Of England (1600-1649) ON THE FRONTISPIECE OF ISAACSONS CHRONOLOGIE EXPLAINED (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Let hoary time's vast bowels be the grave Last Line: That, the world's morning, this her midnight is. Subject(s): Andrewes, Lancelot,(1555-1626); Clergy; Isaacson, Henry (1581-1657); Bishop Of Winchester; Priests; Rabbis; Ministers; Bishops ON THE FRONTISPIECE OF ISAACSONS CHRONOLOGIE EXPLAINED (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: If with distinctive eye, and mind, you looke Subject(s): Isaacson, Henry (1581-1657) ON THE GUNPOWDER-TREASON, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I sing impiety beyond a name Last Line: Least it breake forth, and burne thy sooty cell. Subject(s): Gunpowder Plot; Guy Fawkes ON THE PICTURE OF THE RIGHT REVEREND BISHOP, DR. ANDREWES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: This picture shows one whom fame shows better Last Line: Reader, you see him; look! O would that you mught hear him too Subject(s): Andrewes, Lancelot,(1555-1626); Clergy ON THE QUEEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hither, o muse, with the sacred company flyinf Last Line: You give first a daughter then a son but each one is a day Subject(s): Henrietta Maria, Queen Of England ON THE TRANSLATION OF THE HOUSE OF LORETTO, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: When the misterious chamber first did move Last Line: A pilgrim was, is now a pilgrimage PEACE OF MIND, WITH A LIKENESS DRAWN FROM THE CAPTIVE BIRD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Just as when the watchful wayfarer with his Last Line: Tears are unwanted, grief is denied, %clear smiles play about her face PSALMS: 1, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O thou, blest over and over! Last Line: And into the hearts of the righteous %[thus he] steals with gentle affection RICHARD CRASHAW, by THOMAS SAMUEL JONES JR. Poem Source First Line: Great lamps of silver light his last retreat Subject(s): Crashaw, Richard (1613-1649); Poetry And Poets SACRED EPIGRAM: A CERTAIN PRIEST COMING DOWN THAT SAME WAY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Ah! Do you see and touch my wounds with unmoved eyes? Last Line: Who sees a wretch, unruffled, himself makes a wretch SACRED EPIGRAM: A SWORD SHALL PIERCE THROUGH MY OWN SOUL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Since your tragedy has no sword, christ Last Line: For from whatever evils your tragedy grew, christ, %all these are your sword, blessed virgin Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: ABOUT THE FIGHT OF CHRIST AGAINST THE WORLD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Are you, poor man, you - so the world says - setting your hands Last Line: The lictor put on the chains and [thereby] gave the weapons SACRED EPIGRAM: ACTS: 10:39, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What evil man hung himself on the stump of death? Last Line: O good farmer! This was [good] grafting SACRED EPIGRAM: ACTS: 12:23, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hurrah, a god! On all sides the people roar with full applause Last Line: You are the crowd with him; he cherishes you in his bosom SACRED EPIGRAM: ACTS: 28:3, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Paul, fear nothing. This viper does not bear venom Last Line: He comes not to be feared but rather to be pitied Subject(s): Paul, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: ALMOST THOU PERSUADEST ME TO BE A CHRISTIAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Almost? What is this almost? A harsh nearness to salvation! Last Line: I was almost happy is the declaration of an unhappy man SACRED EPIGRAM: AND THE DISCIPLES CAME AND AWOKE HIM, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Ah, what madness it was to dispell this sleep, so rare? Last Line: The sleep of christ harmed nothing, believe me. The sleep %which harmed was the sleep of your faith Subject(s): Sleep SACRED EPIGRAM: AND THEY BROUGHT UNTO HIM ALL SICK PEOPLE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Gather to yourself both the furies and the fevers, grim dragon Last Line: Gather, gather them boldly to yourself so that - you may die Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Life And Ministry SACRED EPIGRAM: AND THEY LAUGHED HIM TO SCORN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: In such great grief, was there time to laugh at christ? Last Line: Believe me, deserved to be your greatest grief Subject(s): Grief SACRED EPIGRAM: AND THEY SPAT UPON HIM, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What so soully will not the wrath of this cruel sea dare! Last Line: Who owes to your spittle the fact that he himself sees Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Suffering And Sacrifice SACRED EPIGRAM: BAPTISM DOES NOT TAKE AWAY FUTURE SINS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You, who were but recently that child achilles whom your Last Line: Can now be better wrecked by its own tears Subject(s): Baptism SACRED EPIGRAM: BLESSED IS THE WOMB AND THE PAPS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: And what if jesus should indeed drink from your breast? Last Line: From her son then the mother will drink SACRED EPIGRAM: BLESSED THE EYES WHICH SEE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: When the sweetest christ was walking on our shores Last Line: I call them blessed who did not have them SACRED EPIGRAM: BUT MARY SITTING AT HIS FEET HEARD HIS WORD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: See - for indeed it is strange - how the hostess hangs on the guest! Last Line: And, martha, she says, do you allow this sacred feast to be wasted? SACRED EPIGRAM: BUT SOME DOUBTED, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Indeed the quaking earth shakes, but Last Line: In this very way, that they cannot speak Subject(s): Disasters; Earthquakes SACRED EPIGRAM: CAIAPHAS RESENTS CHRIST ACKNOWLEDING HIMSELF, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You berate christ because he does not deny he is christ Last Line: By whom god is not allowed to be god with impunity Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: CHRIST CARRIED BY THE DEVIL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Come now, will he - oh, a load more suitable for the wings of angels Last Line: You are nor less a demon, he no less a god Subject(s): Devil SACRED EPIGRAM: CHRIST CURES THE ABSENT MAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Could the voice just now sent forth already reach its goals? Last Line: The miracle was health itself - you may well believe - %whenthe very path to health is the miracle Subject(s): Health SACRED EPIGRAM: CHRIST IN EGYPT, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You, o nile, show him to your people by a greater flock Last Line: Now you yourself may be the flood of your own joy Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Childhood And Youth SACRED EPIGRAM: CHRIST IN THE STORM, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: That which boils around you in such a great tempest, christ Last Line: That it may at your words of command, christ, be silent SACRED EPIGRAM: CHRIST OBSTINATE TOWARD THE WOMAN OF CANAAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: In order to set a price for a gift, you refuse to bestow it Last Line: He gives often, who gives things denied often Subject(s): Gifts And Giving SACRED EPIGRAM: CHRIST THE VINE TO HIS FATHER THE HUSBANDMAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: See your vine spreads, your vine spreads with its scarlet shoot Last Line: Grant a support. Grant me a support. What kind? A cross SACRED EPIGRAM: CHRIST TO THOMAS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O harsh faith! Did you wish to prolong my sorrows? Last Line: You make those wounds worse while you doubt SACRED EPIGRAM: CHRIST WALKED IN TEMPLE IN SOLOMON'S PORCH, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Was it winter? No, no: ah it was not, not near that face Last Line: Winter from denying its own nature so well for you SACRED EPIGRAM: CHRIST, CIRCUMCISED, TO THE FATHER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lo, receive these first fruits of our death, father Last Line: The hope of my [whole] being will be in the torments [that are to come] Subject(s): Circumcision SACRED EPIGRAM: COMMAND THAT THIS STONE BE MADE BREAD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: And it was: that stone (why not say it?) was bread, christ Last Line: Indeed since the greatest will of the father has turned out so, %it is your bread, not to have had b Subject(s): Bread SACRED EPIGRAM: COMMAND THAT THIS STONE BE MADE BREAD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: And it was: that stone (why not say it?) was bread, christ Last Line: Indeed since the greatest will of the father has turned out so, %it is your bread, not to have had b Subject(s): Bread SACRED EPIGRAM: CONCERNING THE REQUEST FOR SONS OF ZEBEDEE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: May you john, and you, james, have what you wish Last Line: O give heaven, [just] heaven to me, dear father Subject(s): Heaven SACRED EPIGRAM: CONSIDER THE LILIES OF THE FIELDS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: White king of the field, who has the ivory pomp of flowers Last Line: Of course - and this is better - he was like roses SACRED EPIGRAM: FAITH WHICH ALONE JUSTIFIES ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: For neither does it exist so alone. O what bitter critic Last Line: Let me not have faith which is much too much to itself Subject(s): Faith SACRED EPIGRAM: FIVE LOAVES OF BREAD FOR FIVE THOUSAND MEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Behind the easy tables, and the wounds of a feast restored to life Last Line: At last what is left? Food itself is fed Subject(s): Bread; Miracles SACRED EPIGRAM: FOR HE WAS ASTONISHED AT DRAUGHT OF FISHES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: While you were seized with amazement at your catch of fish, peter Last Line: All of those, there was one piece of bait for you SACRED EPIGRAM: FOR I [AM READY] NOT TO BE BOUND ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Why do you throw out death [as an object fit] for our fear? Why chains? Last Line: The only death I must fear is to have feared to die SACRED EPIGRAM: FORSAKING EVERYTHING, THEY FOLLOWED HIM, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You threw away the nets at the master's nod, peter Last Line: Indeed to throw them away when christ ordered Subject(s): Peter, Saint (c. 64 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: FROM HIS BODY BROUGHT HANDKERCHIEFS ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Linens touched by the hand of paul imperiously overcome diseases Last Line: These strands, I believe, were from the distaff of lachesis Subject(s): Paul, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: GOD ... CLOSED THE MOUTHS OF SLANDEROUS JEWS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Almost at one thrust, you shatter a pair of demons Last Line: No more does this one in speaking than that one in silence praise you SACRED EPIGRAM: GOD IN THE WOMB OF THE VIRGIN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Behold your father, nature! Here is your father, he is here Last Line: Indeed, while you lie, a chaste wife, with your husband - %this more strange - you are yourself a co Subject(s): Mary. Mother Of Jesus; Women - Bible SACRED EPIGRAM: GOD IS WITH US, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Is god with us? This your [saying], [yes] yours, poor me Last Line: We should be given to the stables or a house be given to you Subject(s): God SACRED EPIGRAM: GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD .. HIS SON TO DEATH, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Ah it is too much indeed to give him for our life Last Line: Death has a place whence it can fully and grandly die SACRED EPIGRAM: HAVING .. SIGHT, THE BLIND MEN FOLLOW CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lo with the touch of his hand, christ placed new stars Last Line: I suspect, are those which one day he will bear in his hand Subject(s): Faith SACRED EPIGRAM: HAVING .. SIGHT, THE BLIND MEN FOLLOW CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lo with the touch of his hand, christ placed new stars Last Line: I suspect, are those which one day he will bear in his hand Subject(s): Faith SACRED EPIGRAM: HAVING GATHERED ALL TOGETHER ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Tell me, golden lad, whither you are hurrying so many coins? Last Line: Indeed, couldn't husks be bought for less? SACRED EPIGRAM: HE BESOUGHT HIM THAT HE WOULD COME DOWN ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You who ask that he should go with you for the healing of your son and Last Line: But - believe me - the same christ who will grant these petitions is there SACRED EPIGRAM: HE OFFERED THEM MONEY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: To what end do you offer these coins here? Why, wicked simon? Last Line: If you can, you yourself first sell your demon Subject(s): Simon Magus (1st Century A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: HE THAT IS THE GREATEST AMONG YOU, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Oh good man, do you wish to the greatest disciple of christ Last Line: That you may not be less, wish to be SACRED EPIGRAM: HE TOUCHED HIS TONGUE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Christ, you command the mute lips to speak; the mute lips speak Last Line: If then you used a finger, loosing the sealed lips? %don't you need to use your whole hand now, o ch Subject(s): Miracles; Speech Disorders SACRED EPIGRAM: HOW CAN A MAN BE BORN WHO IS OLD?, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Tell me, whence does a new phoenix leap forth into Last Line: He who is properly ignorant has half of his faith SACRED EPIGRAM: I AM NOT WORTHY ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: God will come into your house; but your modesty and the soaring Last Line: Therefore, god will enter you, not your house SACRED EPIGRAM: I AM READY TO BE BOUND BUT ALSO TO DIE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I shall endure not only prison but also death for thee, o christ Last Line: O christ, but also indeed to set free SACRED EPIGRAM: I AM THE DOOR, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Now you lie open. A heavy spear has thrown back the bolt of your heart Last Line: These gates of heaven has closed them for itself Subject(s): Heaven SACRED EPIGRAM: I AM THE TRUE VINE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Indeed I believe. But also the enemy caiaphas himself believed you Last Line: Whence they could have had such a great thirst for your blood? SACRED EPIGRAM: I AM THE VOICE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I am the voice, you say: you are the voice, saint john? Last Line: He did not have a voice even when he fathered one SACRED EPIGRAM: I AM THE WAY. TO THE JEWS WHO SCORN CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O but still not [a way] to be trodden on: do you press on, wicked foot? Last Line: Which makes so the path to heaven be worn down Subject(s): Jews SACRED EPIGRAM: I HAVE BOUGHT YOKES OF OXEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I call you to the feast, which the master's orders wished Last Line: The feast would, I think, rather have your oxen [than you] Subject(s): Animals; Oxen SACRED EPIGRAM: I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You are my leader against the world, fairest jesus? Last Line: Indeed, if you do not fall, for me there is no salvation SACRED EPIGRAM: I SAY UNTO YOU THAT I WILL PRAY THE FATHER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Ah nevertheless, you yourself ask: of course the father cannot be harsh Last Line: Yes, I shall ask: however, not with my mouth: yes, I shall ask %with my mouth, jesus, that, with you SACRED EPIGRAM: I SENT YOU FORTH AS LAMBS IN MIDST OF WOLVES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: These too? Will you savage [beasts] tear apart these lambs? Last Line: That he who is now a lamb is sometimes a lion SACRED EPIGRAM: IF THOU BE THE SON OF GOD, CAST THYSELF DOWN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: If christ should not cast himself down from the pinnacle of the temple Last Line: Do you not believe that he is the son of god? Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: IS IT LAWFUL TO GIVE TRIBUTE UNTO CAESAR?, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: After so many battles of the scribes against you, christ, at last Last Line: Who was so worthy to be conquered except caesar? SACRED EPIGRAM: IT IS GOOD FOR US TO BE HERE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Why do you want to here yet, peter? Last Line: You do not see such good dreams elsewhere, peter Subject(s): Peter, Saint (c. 64 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: IT IS GOOD TO ENTER INTO HEAVEN WITH ONE EYE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: With one eye? Ah rather a hundred for me, a hundred thousand Last Line: May I become, all in all, that one eye Subject(s): Heaven SACRED EPIGRAM: JOHN 1:23, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I am the voice, you say: are you the voice, saint john? Last Line: It is even rarer for a woman to be barren of voice SACRED EPIGRAM: JOHN 6:14-26, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Now they believe. You are god (he is god who [can be proved to]) Last Line: You performed these miracles of yours for the people. They believe. %pious race! And consecrated to Subject(s): Miracles SACRED EPIGRAM: JOHN 9:22, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Unlucky man, whoever you are, acuused of worshipping christ! Last Line: O unlucky defendant! How heavy is your punishment! Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: JOHN SENDS MEN TO ASK CHRIST WHETHER IT'S HE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You who are so impatiently hastened to identify christ Last Line: Any mute person can tell you this SACRED EPIGRAM: JOHN THE VOICE; CHRIST THE WORD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: John reveals christ. This does not seem strange Last Line: The word does not usually exist before its voice SACRED EPIGRAM: LEAVING EVERYTHING, HE FOLLOWED HIM, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: When matthew left these riches at christ's command Last Line: That a man has evil riches which he may lose well Subject(s): Matthew, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: LET HIM TAKE UP HIS CROSS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Therefore put down your cross: that we may take up our cross Last Line: Indeed is our [cross], or that bore our crosses SACRED EPIGRAM: LIGHT IS COME INTO THE WORLD ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Behold god comes with his light and shines in the world Last Line: Does the world still continue to love its darkness? SACRED EPIGRAM: LO WE SOUGHT YOU, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: In sorrow I seek and seek for thee: now you too go about Last Line: To mourning and to tears - woe is me! - am I mother SACRED EPIGRAM: LORD, NOT MY FEET ONLY, BUT ALSO MY HEAD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Behold my head and my face! Which work more than enough for their uncleanness Last Line: Streams, peter - when the third cock crows SACRED EPIGRAM: LORD, THOUGH ABSENT, CURES SON OF CENTURION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What unexpected health glides in on silent wings! Last Line: Was the cure, absent and present, it was the cure Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Life And Ministry SACRED EPIGRAM: LUKE 18:39, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Be silent, wicked mob. My desires draw so near to me Last Line: Jesus, that of the soul asks for this [day] of the eyes. %give that, I pray; and do not take this fr SACRED EPIGRAM: MAN WITH DROPSY HEALED THIRSTS FOR CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Thirst is driven thence; but here another thirst arises Last Line: He thirsts for water from the very souce of life Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: MARK 7:32-36, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Christ, you used your voice and hand together for loosing the tongue Last Line: The voice sets it loose, but nothing but the whole hand will stop it Subject(s): Speech Disorders SACRED EPIGRAM: MATTHEW 9:20-22, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You err. And you depict love as naked, painter, badly; you do not Last Line: He not then - even when clothed - then also unadorned love? SACRED EPIGRAM: MATTHEW FROM THE RECEIPT OF CUSTOM, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Ah it is enough, too much: do not keep this office any longer Last Line: Go happily in flight to the good cross Subject(s): Matthew, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: MAY PEACE I GIVE UNTO YOU, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Wars call: arms, o comrades, let us make ready our arms Last Line: He gave peace: but he gave peace that was his Subject(s): Peace SACRED EPIGRAM: MY BURDEN IS LIGHT, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Whichever one of you wishes to be unburdened, receive christ's burdens Last Line: Apparently so heavy that it may press you down to the highest heavens SACRED EPIGRAM: NEITHER DURST ANY MAN FROM THAT DAY FORTH .., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O christ, you escape the evil treachery, the pharaisical nets Last Line: In no other way could they speak your [praise] so well SACRED EPIGRAM: NO RUNAWAY LOVE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Holy virgin, do not suffer these laments too much Last Line: No indeed, do not suffer these laments of yours. Holy one. %why should you doubt? This is no runaway Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: NOT AS THIS PUBLICAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: That fellow? Rude clot! How glad I am, you say Last Line: Go now, and you may boast that he is not like you SACRED EPIGRAM: NOT AS THIS PUBLICAN (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: While you confess the sins of that poor man Last Line: Meanwhile what will there be for yours, my pharisee? SACRED EPIGRAM: NOW LETTEST THOU [THY SERVANT] DEPART (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Did my arms then finally hold my hopes? Last Line: I want to see nothing after you, except you, o christ Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: NOW LETTEST THOU [THY SERVANT] DEPART (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Go, my eyes (for what more do you want?) Last Line: This is the first [wish], that I could see you (christ): second: %having seen you, to have been able Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: NOW WE KNOW THAT THOU HAST A DEVIL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You ought to know either god or at least the demon better Last Line: Could you have not recognized your own father? Subject(s): Devil SACRED EPIGRAM: ON CHRIST, THE VINE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The vine loves the elm; indeed there is even in the tree a flame Last Line: Whatever one it was - which was the tree of the cross SACRED EPIGRAM: ON HEROD, EATEN OF WORMS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: He is god, god: this is the shout of the people as one Last Line: They taste the flesh, they think it ambrosia SACRED EPIGRAM: ON NICODEMUS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: It was night and you, teacher badly taught, were seeking christ Last Line: It was not that of heaven; it was your night SACRED EPIGRAM: ON PETER THE EAR-SLAYER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: However much this fierce sword of yours flashes, peter Last Line: Lest it be a witness of your treachery Subject(s): Peter, Saint (c. 64 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON PONTIUS POORLY WASHED, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: That water washes your hands, most false judge Last Line: O it will want to come from your eyes SACRED EPIGRAM: ON SAUL BLINDED BY TOO MUCH LIGHT, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What are these shades of light? What is this night of day? Last Line: I do know this, that saul was captured by light Subject(s): Paul, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON ST. JOHN WHOM DOMITIAN PUT IN BOILING OIL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: That fire - which running in a flickering flame through the whole world Last Line: To give it oil is not [the way], domitian Subject(s): John The Baptist, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON ST. LUKE THE PHYSICIAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: This life, which my sins make wretched for me Last Line: And to have lived for a long time is this: quickly to be able to die Subject(s): Luke, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON ST. PAUL AT ONCE ENLIGHTENED AND BLINDED, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Christ, what twofold glory of a double weapon do you have Last Line: So that paul could see you, he was blind Subject(s): Paul, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON ST. PETER SET FREE BY THE ANGEL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Death and herod draw nigh to you, when the winger messenger Last Line: Death and herod, would they not have given the same to you? Subject(s): Peter, Saint (c. 64 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE ASS THE BEARER OF CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: That one once learned to rebuke his master Last Line: Than it was that he could then have spoken Subject(s): Asses And Mules SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE BASHFULNESS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: This is (believe it) the modesty not of the mother but of the son Last Line: In order to see heaven must be cast down Subject(s): Mary. Mother Of Jesus; Women - Bible SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE BASHFULNESS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You ask why the virgin should keep her eyes on her lap Last Line: She looks down, but even so she nevertheless still sees heaven Subject(s): Mary. Mother Of Jesus; Women - Bible SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE BEAM OF THE PHARISEE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Let them yield who give glasses capable of focusing Last Line: By which he can see nothing at all (I speak the truth) Subject(s): Blindness SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE BIRTH OF THE LORD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The youth in royal purple brings such great joys to you Last Line: Who will not be a shepherd, when god will be the lamb? Subject(s): Christmas SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE BLESSED MARTYRS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Happy souls! You sped, hurrah, you made haste. And you Last Line: Whatever is cut off from old age adds to life; %and so the more quickly we die, the shorter that [ol SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE BLIND MAN CONFESSING CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Do not cast your eyes on me, wild pharisee Last Line: He sees though blind; blind you are, though you [think you] see Subject(s): Blindness SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE BLOOD OF THE LORD'S CIRCUMCISION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hark guest! Are you drinking? Mary and mary's little boy Last Line: However much you wish to drink these wines, you drink Subject(s): Circumcision SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE CHAINS OF PETER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Iron does not remember to be iron: the chains Last Line: The chains themselves set loose, how very safe will be Subject(s): Peter, Saint (c. 64 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE CIRCUMCISION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Ah cruel knife! Which first commanded such fair lilies Last Line: Ah cruel knife! Under which, golden boy, you grow, %advancing under this ferule, as it were, of deat Subject(s): Circumcision SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE CLOUD WHICH CARRIED OFF THE MASTER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O this blak [cloud]! Why indeed does it show its shining breast to me? Last Line: If it does not bring night, behold it steals away the day Subject(s): Ascension Day SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DARK ANS STORMY VOYAGE OF ... LORD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Does the night hold these tender wayfarers, the mother with her son Last Line: And he let them bathe: and finally let them be released in the morning %so that the day itself may d Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Childhood And Youth SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DAY OF ALL SAINTS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Nowhere let the harsh wind vent its roars; nowhere Last Line: It is enough that each good brow had been marked by its own tears Subject(s): All Saints' Day SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DAY OF THE MASTER'S PASSION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Should I be so gloomy? Away with fasts! I have Last Line: See there is what cuts the strength of the wine, water Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Suffering And Sacrifice SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DAY OF THE MASTER'S PASSION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Nay even you too adore the ashes of your phoenix Last Line: Moistened this eternal morning of life and your day Subject(s): Mary Magdalen; Women - Bible SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DAY OF THE MASTER'S PASSION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Still, o christ, do we hold you, our loves? Last Line: We are powerless because you do not ascend to it, %heaven itself indeed descends for you, christ Subject(s): Ascension Day SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DAY OF THE POWDER CONSPIRACY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: With what well arranged feasts does the year race along! Last Line: After all saints, all sin follows Subject(s): Fawkes, Guy (1570-1606) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Now the clash of heaven thundered round: the violent Last Line: Because this seemed to be a false thunderbolt to the jews, %the thunderbolt was real by its very nam Subject(s): Holy Ghost SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Catch, o catch in your bosoms the grape-harvest of heaven [which] falls Last Line: To those they stagger, their wines give a torch Subject(s): Holy Ghost SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What cloud most sweet brings the golden rain clouds? Last Line: Of heaven be replaced which earth gave just now Subject(s): Holy Ghost SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DOORS OPENING FOR ST. PETER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What did it avail to have closed those doors, good doorman? Last Line: Key: that peter has not need at all of a key Subject(s): Peter, Saint (c. 64 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE DRAGON FALLING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Go, vainly ferocious beast; far off the golden stars Last Line: There is no need for such a long climb to the pit Subject(s): Dragons SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE EASY PARTURITION OF BLESSED VIRGIN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Still she was not made a mother without pain Last Line: That one time he was the joys of birth for his mother; %every day he was the groans of birth Subject(s): Mary. Mother Of Jesus; Women - Bible SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The day is not content with the light of the usual torch of aurora Last Line: Are you listening, persian seer? He who performed so many works %isa crying in the stalls of bethleh Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE FLOCK OF CHRIST, THE SHEPHERD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O flolck, o too much blessed in such a great shepherd! Last Line: Himself is shepherd for it, and himself is p[asture for his flock Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Life And Ministry SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE HEAVENLY COMPANY OF ALL THE SAINTS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Happy souls! Whom virtue, owed to heaven Last Line: You see the eyes of the sweet lamb: you - but what do I do? Subject(s): All Saints' Day SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE HOLY DOVE SITTING NEAR CHRIST'S HEAD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Over whom does the sacred bird hover on starry wing? Last Line: This bird alone is not unworthy to sleep in this nest: %thisnest alone is quite worthy of this bird Subject(s): Doves SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE HOLY DOVE SITTING NEAR CHRIST'S HEAD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Over whom does the sacred bird hover on starry wing? Last Line: This bird alone is not unworthy to sleep in this nest: %thisnest alone is quite worthy of this bird Subject(s): Doves SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE HOLY SPIRIT DESCENDING WITH TONGUES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Away with them who feign pious hearts with a false face Last Line: That I may have a heart of fire, a tongue of clay Subject(s): Holy Ghost SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE JEWS TRYING TO CAST JESUS DOWN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Tell me hwy [have you] so much confidence in your crime? Last Line: That was, I believe, to tempt the devil himself SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE MARKS OF THE WOUNDS ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: With these eyes (not yet met together like closed windows) Last Line: Our faith rejoices to see your love, christ Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE MASTER WEEPING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: For you jews, for this wave is rolled forth Last Line: Only for these waters, will be a fiery harvest Subject(s): Jews SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE MASTER'S ASCENSION, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lo! He goes through the open gates of his heaven Last Line: How else would you celebrate a triumph, who else would was sufficient? Subject(s): Ascension Day SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE MINSTRELS AND THE PEOPLE MAKING NOISE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Silly ones, why are so you noisy? For although she sleeps Last Line: She sleeps; but she is not asleep to everyone Subject(s): Sleep SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE NURSING MARTYRS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Whoever saw the wounds of the children and the breasts of the mothers Last Line: Whoever saw the boys so, doubted whether he should call them%the lilies of heaven or the roses SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE PHARISEES ENTANGLING CHRIST IN TALK, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O how those unfounded loathings of your wretched desire mock you Last Line: Thus would anyone hope for good from you, pharisee SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE REAL ATHENIAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You know the very bridal chambers of nature and the deepest bonds Last Line: Who merely knows those things alone, does not know even them SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Behold, you are born! And with you, your world, golden king Last Line: But surely not even death: indeed so that it may be buried in your tomb, %christ, death itself will Subject(s): Jesus Christ; Resurrection, The SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE SACRED GRAIN FIELD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: See how it begs for its sickle with bowed head Last Line: This very thing is the sickle: this delay will be the harvest SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE SEPULCHRE OF THE LORD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Now let them yield, let those miracles of the rock of old [time] yield Last Line: You blessed rock, when the third day will dawn, %will proudly flow in a sacred font of flames Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE SINGING SWAN OF THE LORD JESUS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What sweetness, oh how many honeycombs, christ, do you pout into Last Line: Indeed [you sing with] a sweet voice but a dying one SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE STABLE WHERE THE MASTER WAS BORN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Is that home a stable? It is not, golden boy, it is not Last Line: It is easy to prove [the glow and the smile to come] from your eyes Subject(s): Christmas SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE STABLE WHERE THE MASTER WAS BORN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Is that home a stable? It is not, golden boy, it is not Last Line: It is easy to prove [the glow and the smile to come] from your eyes Subject(s): Christmas SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE TEARS OF LAZARUS SCORNED BY DIVES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O happy man! O lazarus, richer in your tears Last Line: How he will wish for your tears to be his! Subject(s): Lazarus SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE TEARS OF THE SUFFERING CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Cruel grief! Can you [do] this? Do you also flood those eyes Last Line: Is mine. Or if it is your tear, the cause [of it] is mine Subject(s): Crucifixion SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE THORNS TAKEN FROM CHRIST'S HEAD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Take the sprouts you planted, soldier - or don't you recognize them? Last Line: He sows thorns: and it returns roses Subject(s): Crucifixion SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE TOMB OF CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: This circle moves in an orbit, similar and how equal to itself! Last Line: That [couch] was betrothed to a joseph as was that [tomb] Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE VOICE OF THE BAPTIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: So much the baptist had to speak, so many streams of thought Last Line: But with one word he had said everything Subject(s): John The Baptist, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WATER OF THE LORD'S BAPTISM, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O blessed [water], which may thus go over the holy limbs! Last Line: Indeed whatever drop passes over the holy limbs, %while it remains here, is a jewel; while it falls Subject(s): Baptism SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WELL-ENDOWED FISH, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: If you want a fish, christ, behold he comes and brings Last Line: To pay money: the fish will buy himself for you Subject(s): Fishing And Fishermen SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WISDOM OF THAT AGE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Do not be curious of the height lest a lofty fall drag back your weary Last Line: I would not wish to have studied out for myself [the way] to hell Subject(s): Wisdom SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WISE MEN OF THAT AGE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: It is true that folly gives delights, and applauds herself from on high Last Line: You could obviously be wretched more easily SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WITHERED HAND .. COMPASSION OF CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Grasp christ, poor man; and with christ grasp health Last Line: This very act is a hand upon christ; this is to grasp christ; %not to have had a hand by which you m Subject(s): Compassion; Faith SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WOMAN OF CANAAN CONTENDING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: See, he is yielding. Now at this moment he will give in. Press on, still Last Line: What an easy victory rises from that enemy %who comes to fight only that he can be overcome! SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WOMAN WITH FEVER, THE MAN WITH DROPSY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: In the holy writ read recently [christ] stopped a serious fever Last Line: How well he put down those waters with these fires! Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Life And Ministry SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WOUNDS OF GOD HANGING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Whether I call your wounds eyes or mouths Last Line: This clearly is the eye by which it returns your tears Subject(s): Crucifixion SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WOUNDS OF GOD HANGING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O streams of blood from head, side, hands, and feet! Last Line: Never was he more truly the fountain of life Subject(s): Crucifixion SACRED EPIGRAM: ON THE WOUNDS OF THE MASTER STILL PRESENT, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You see the weapons: the bows, the quiver and the light darts Last Line: Who will arouse such dire, such righteous wrath? %your very wounds, o christ, will fight for you SACRED EPIGRAM: ON WOUNDS WHICH CHRIST STILL HAS SURVIVING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Whatever the spiked thorn, or the sharp-pointed nail Last Line: No, but they are the medicine for my wounds Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: PETERHOUSE PRAYING FOR ITS HOUSE OF GOD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: As now the coming day is still in the prayers of the world Last Line: And so added the wings of an eagle to his riches Subject(s): Churches SACRED EPIGRAM: PHARISEE AND PUBLICAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Behold two men approach the temple (but with different intentions) Last Line: This one has more of the temple; that one has more of god SACRED EPIGRAM: RAISE OUR EYES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lift our eyes, o lift our eyes with you, your stars Last Line: These would be blinded by their own tears without their sun Subject(s): Ascension Day SACRED EPIGRAM: RENDER UNTO CAESAR, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: All things are owed to god: yet caesar has his things as well Last Line: When caesar himself is rendered to god SACRED EPIGRAM: REVELATION: 12:7, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: To arms, men! You starry princes lead the heavenly Last Line: I bore arms in vain: but I still bore arms Subject(s): Devil SACRED EPIGRAM: SEE THE PLACE WHERE THE LORD LAY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Him, him, o rather, bright one, shoe me him, I beg Last Line: Behold mary, see here, here your lord did lie SACRED EPIGRAM: SEEING THE WIND BOISTEROUS, HE WAS AFRAID, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O peter, will you fall if you doubt: o have faith: the sea itself Last Line: Peter, are submerged by the burden of your lightness Subject(s): Faith SACRED EPIGRAM: SHE BEGAN TO WASH HIS FEET WITH TEARS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: That wave most calm washes the holy dust Last Line: That fire will burn more purely through these waters SACRED EPIGRAM: SIGNS OF THE COMING OF CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: So come; whatever fears may accompany the signs Last Line: Whatever it is, let it come: only you, christ, come Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: SON OF THE WIDOW IS DELIVERED TO HIS MOTHER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lo they return and new joys atone for the brief tears Last Line: To have lost [a son] was for you again to have borne [him] SACRED EPIGRAM: ST. JOHN IN EXILE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: An exile is he [who was the] love of christ: yet the exile found christ Last Line: Exile, if the bosom of christ is the exile Subject(s): John The Baptist, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: ST. JOHN TO HIS MOTHER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O mother, why doe you ask for the right hand or the left for me Last Line: I do not like to be so far from his holy bosom Subject(s): John The Baptist, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: ST. STEPHEN TO HIS FRIENDS ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I pray let no marbles rise from my tomb: these stone Last Line: Let this be a witness of my witness Subject(s): Stephen, Saint (d. 36 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: TAKE THEREFORE NO THOUGHT FOR THE MORROW, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Go, poor fellow, do not waste your time on your worries Last Line: I am unwilling, I am unwilling today to be tomorrow's wretch SACRED EPIGRAM: THE ACCUSED CHRIST ANSWERS NOTHING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: He says nothing: o precious silence of that holy tongue! Last Line: Saying no word, now remakes all things Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Suffering And Sacrifice SACRED EPIGRAM: THE BLESSED VIRGIN SEEKS HER JESUS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Ah, may you return, sweet boy, may you return to your poor parent Last Line: If our arms could hold you, their god Subject(s): Mary. Mother Of Jesus; Women - Bible SACRED EPIGRAM: THE BLIND MAN IMPLORES CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Be silent wicked mob. My desires now draw so near me Last Line: I beg you to give that; and do not take this from me SACRED EPIGRAM: THE BLIND MAN IS HEALED BY THE WORD OF GOD, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O christ, you had spoken - o sacred license of the word! Last Line: To our ears? Nay rather to our eyes have you spoken, o christ Subject(s): Blindness SACRED EPIGRAM: THE BOY JESUS IN THE MIDST OF THE DOCTORS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The man is deceived who hangs on every bearded chin Last Line: Not to think that whiteness of the head is the head Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Childhood And Youth SACRED EPIGRAM: THE CHAINS FALL OFF VOLUNTARILY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You who covered peter with irons, heartless keeper Last Line: Go, ninny, and put chains on your chains Subject(s): Peter, Saint (c. 64 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: THE DELEGATION OF THE BAPTIST TO CHRIST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I pray, who are you? The baptist send that [question] to his master Last Line: The lame walks, the dead lives: I pray, who is he? Subject(s): John The Baptist, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: THE DISCIPLES LAMENT CHRIST'S DEPARTURE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: He has gone away. Now o you evils, whichever ones remain to us Last Line: Already have perished at the departure of their lord Subject(s): Ascension Day SACRED EPIGRAM: THE ETHIOPIAN WASHED, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The black man comes forth from the holy waves - how well washed! Last Line: Now the holy dove will wish even a black house Subject(s): Baptism; Blacks SACRED EPIGRAM: THE FIRST DAY OF WEEK COMETH MARY MAGDALENE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You came beore the rosy dawn, holy Last Line: And to be the new morning star for the new sun! Subject(s): Mary Magdalen; Women - Bible SACRED EPIGRAM: THE FISHERMEN CALLED, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Play now, you fish, anywhere in the safe sea Last Line: Our one hope of safety is to have been caught SACRED EPIGRAM: THE FISHES MULTIPLY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What secret nets pass from your silent word Last Line: It is a great cross to bear a small cross well Subject(s): Fishing And Fishermen; Miracles SACRED EPIGRAM: THE GIFTS OF THE PERSIAN SAGES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Receive these gifts, boy; the first fruits of inadequate praise Last Line: Not only giving do you give but also receiving Subject(s): Gifts And Giving SACRED EPIGRAM: THE GREEK DISPUTANTS PLOT DEATH FOR ST. PAUL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hurrah for argument! Thus he disputes: hurrah for the sophist! Last Line: It proves that you can prove nothing against the case Subject(s): Paul, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: THE GROANS OF PETERHOUSE ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O too happy is that [phoenix] and the noble name Last Line: So may a long youth smile on you, never to yield to querulous old age Subject(s): Churches SACRED EPIGRAM: THE INFANT CHRIST IS PRESENTED TO HIS FATHER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Let the lamb go, and let him play at the feet of his butting father Last Line: This is the gift, this is it, which surely should dare %to be worthy of god himself: of course it is Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Childhood And Youth SACRED EPIGRAM: THE LAMB OF GOD WHICH TAKETH AWAY THE SINS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Alas [will he] who must pass - grim sights - before so many mouths of Last Line: Whom neither their arms nor their wrath makes equals SACRED EPIGRAM: THE LEPER BEGGING THE MASTER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I believe that you can do these things, if only you wished: but because Last Line: My snow will not be able to bear your rays Subject(s): Leprosy SACRED EPIGRAM: THE LORD NOT ACCEPTED IN HIS OWN COUNTRY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Look at these blood-relations! Christ is an exile in his own Last Line: O how much more a blood-relation was he! SACRED EPIGRAM: THE MAN BORN BLIND, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Happy is he who could after the clouds of such a long night Last Line: Because it sees and because first of all it sees god Subject(s): Blindness SACRED EPIGRAM: THE MAN PLACED NEAR THE POOL OF BETHSEDA, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What new tantalus here leans toward the receding waves Last Line: Whence [comes] this fortunate shipwreck? And healing storms?%and life, which a precious tempest has Subject(s): Tantalus (greek Mythology) SACRED EPIGRAM: THE MAN WITH DROPSY IS CURED, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: May the man who was his own sea, drowned in his watery disease Last Line: And now that man is drunk from his own waters Subject(s): Miracles SACRED EPIGRAM: THE MASTER CURES THE WOMAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: She who had crept about bent over in her own lap Last Line: Still one knot tighter than [hers]; your heart, pharisee SACRED EPIGRAM: THE MASTER IS CARRIED ON AN ASS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Then does he honor such a common beast as you, little ass Last Line: It was to bear this too, that he is borne thus Subject(s): Asses And Mules SACRED EPIGRAM: THE MASTER WEEPING OVER THE JEWS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Learn, you wretched ones, learn [to recognize] the approaching flames Last Line: Will either put out your flames or create them Subject(s): Jews SACRED EPIGRAM: THE MIRACLE OF THE FIVE LOAVES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Behold a wave of food comes; it comes strong in its sacred Last Line: The hunger of the people it feeds, and their faith Subject(s): Bread; Miracles SACRED EPIGRAM: THE PARALYTIC RECOVERING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The scribes are not hesitant to call christ blasphemous Last Line: In anger, he took up his bed and went forth Subject(s): Paralysis SACRED EPIGRAM: THE PEOPLE OF LYSTRA WPRSHIP ST. PAUL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What tagus os this, what new wave pf pactolus rolls forth? Last Line: Surely indeed your tongue proclaims you a god Subject(s): Paul, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: THE PHARISEES MURMURED ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Ah in sorrow may he die, whoever he is! Of course, who doesn't Last Line: O christ is not their guest, but rather their very food SACRED EPIGRAM: THE PUBLICAN, STAND AFAR OFF, SMOTE BREAST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lo this frightened sinner seeks the temple as a stranger Last Line: You will find god in that nearer temple SACRED EPIGRAM: THE RICH MAN BEGS FOR A DROP, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O if one single drop should quiver and shake on his finger tip for me! Last Line: Should this one droplet be given to me, I will be a rich man[still] SACRED EPIGRAM: THE SABBATH, JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: How much the same thing si distinquished by different practice! Last Line: Therefore - and what is more than just than this agreement? - let %men observe our sabbaths, oxen yo Subject(s): Sabbath SACRED EPIGRAM: THE SHADOW OF ST. PETER CURES THE SICK, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Cheerfully they gather - yes, yes, it is pleasing to go beneath his shadow Last Line: Now too, o pope, thay [shadow] sustains your glory Subject(s): Peter, Saint (c. 64 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: THE SICK MAN BEGS FOR ST. PETER'S SHADOW, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Peter, let me hide a little while under your shadow, peter Last Line: And my light will thus the shadow of your shadow Subject(s): Peter, Saint (c. 64 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: THE SON IS DELIVERED TO HIS MOTHER FROM BIER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Is it true that by such a sudden turn this doleful dread could Last Line: Mother: they were the groans of one giving birth SACRED EPIGRAM: THE TREE WITHERING AT CHRIST'S COMMAND, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: He comands: go far from my boughs, my glory Last Line: I cannot enjoy a nobler autumn SACRED EPIGRAM: THE UNGRATEFUL LEPERS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: While they were leaving christ- ah, [a real] illness! - they were healed Last Line: Indeed the remedy itself was thus an illness Subject(s): Leprosy SACRED EPIGRAM: THE UNGRATEFUL LEPERS (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The law orders the [unclean] lepers to go far from the company of men Last Line: Had men far away from they, now they have god Subject(s): Leprosy SACRED EPIGRAM: THE WIDOW'S MITE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: A small droo of money (support of her old age) Last Line: Those cast away to be sure; she gave SACRED EPIGRAM: THE WITHERED HAND IS HEALED, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O happy man! Now you watch the birthday celebrations of your own Last Line: Surely that hand which recently was of no use in outer functions %now will be the [right] hand of yo Subject(s): Faith SACRED EPIGRAM: THE WORD AMONG THORNS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Often the word of god falls among thorn-bushes; and the Last Line: The word also, fall among thorns, o christ SACRED EPIGRAM: THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR THEM IN THE INN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Is there no place for him? Do you mean to banish him? Him? Last Line: There is no place for him without whom there is no place Subject(s): Christmas SACRED EPIGRAM: THEY GAVE LARGE MONEY UNTO THE SOLDIERS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: And you giving bribes so the soldier will be unwilling to say those things? Last Line: You cause to be spoken more clearly and more shamefully SACRED EPIGRAM: THEY HAVE BOTH SEEN AND HATED ME, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: He saw? And hated still? Ah, he saw not you, jesus Last Line: Who saw anything in you which he could refuse to love SACRED EPIGRAM: THEY SAID THIS OF A TRUTH A PROPHET, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: After so many miracles for them to see, so many to touch Last Line: All that was, by its true name, their stomach Subject(s): Miracles SACRED EPIGRAM: THEY SHALL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Yes, come, o christ, make ready your heavenly chariot Last Line: Or the sun itself will give itself [to be] your cloud Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: THEY TEACH CUSTOMS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O rome, have your caesar and his weapons given you this? Last Line: You are caesar's or (what is the same) you are egregiously wretched SACRED EPIGRAM: THEY THEY TOOK UP STONES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Stones? Against him? What did such detestable furies want? Last Line: They wanted bread from their stones Subject(s): Devil SACRED EPIGRAM: THOUGH HE HAD DONE SO MANY MIRACLES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: On whatever great wing that love of yours may rise Last Line: Not to have faith in yours, so many and so great Subject(s): Miracles SACRED EPIGRAM: THOUGH HE HAD DONE SO MANY MIRACLES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Do not so many miracles of yours warrant faith in you, o christ Last Line: The man who did not believe was himself a miracle Subject(s): Miracles SACRED EPIGRAM: TO CHRIST ABOUT THE WATER TURNED INTO WINE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Miraculous signs your enemy has contrary to your signs Last Line: Wines again he changes - poor me! - into sad waters SACRED EPIGRAM: TO DOMITIAN. ABOUT ST. JOHN AT LATERAN GATE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Is it true that you would go unpunished? But still you shall not go unpunished Last Line: Is it thus that your pallas helps you, domitian? Subject(s): John The Baptist, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: TO HEROD SLAYING ST. JAMES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You do not know how much james owes you for this blow Last Line: What could fully pay for a cutt-off head %was only this crown so savage and sacred Subject(s): Herod Agrippa I (10 B.c.-44. A.d.); James The Greater, Saint (c. 44 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: TO PONTIUS WASHING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Is not murder enough, that you add this outrage to it Last Line: Or say what water will wash these pitiful waters SACRED EPIGRAM: TO ST. ANDREW THE FISHERMAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: How well you can catch and trick the fish! Last Line: Reverse your skill, and now you too learn to be caught Subject(s): Andrew, Saint (1st Century); Saints SACRED EPIGRAM: TO ST. JOHN, THE BELOVED DISCIPLE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Enjoy yourself: hide your head in his majestic bosom, for then it Last Line: O it will be enough for me to have been able to ride on his back Subject(s): John The Baptist, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: TO ST. LUKE, THE PHYSICIAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I ask you for no medicines for me, luke Last Line: You, doctor, you yourself are my medicine for me Subject(s): Luke, Saint (1st Century) SACRED EPIGRAM: TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Nor does caesar's bird now say his hail Last Line: Hear how my hail should differ from your hail: %he speaks yours, you give birth (behold!) to mine Subject(s): Mary. Mother Of Jesus; Women - Bible SACRED EPIGRAM: TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, BELIEVING, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You wonder (indeed what else would you do?) bur also you believe Last Line: You were a faithful daughter of god; you will be [his] mother Subject(s): Mary. Mother Of Jesus; Women - Bible SACRED EPIGRAM: TO THE CROWN OF STEPHEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Behold your stones! There is nothing more precious than those Last Line: By so much will it be the more costly jewel for your head Subject(s): Stephen, Saint (d. 36 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: TO THE GUESTS OF DINNER OF THE FIVE LOAVES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Eat your bread: but also, o guest, eat christ Last Line: Rightly, if then you hunger more for christ, himself the bread Subject(s): Miracles SACRED EPIGRAM: TO THE INFANT MARTYRS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Pour out your laughing souls; pour them out to heaven Last Line: Do not seek your milk and [your] mothers' fountains; %what awaits you is the whole milky way SACRED EPIGRAM: TO THE JEWISH SLAUGHTERS OF STEPHEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Why do you give your anger to the unwilling stones, ah wretched ones? Last Line: Of their own will they make his tomb after he is slain Subject(s): Stephen, Saint (d. 36 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: TO THE JEWISH SLAUGHTERS OF STEPHEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: In vain do the hurling stones mock at him, in vain: not even Last Line: Which are in your heart, those stones harm him Subject(s): Stephen, Saint (d. 36 A.d.) SACRED EPIGRAM: UNLESS I SHALL PUT MY FINGER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Then will the impious finger again [drive] the nails? Again [thrust] the Last Line: Would you, ah cruel one, make christ die? Subject(s): Jesus Christ SACRED EPIGRAM: WATERS TURN INTO WINE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Whence comes [this] redness to your waters, [as it is] not its own purple? Last Line: The chaste nymph has seen [her] god and blushed SACRED EPIGRAM: WHAT MAN OF YOU, HAVING A HUNDRED SHEEP ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O, that I muya bring great joy to the band of angels Last Line: From me whom you brought back, your enjoyment will be sweeter SACRED EPIGRAM: WHAT WILT THOU THAT I SHALL DO UNTO THEE?, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: You ask what I want, christ? Oh how I want to see, christ Last Line: And since I see, christ, I wish to see SACRED EPIGRAM: WHERE HE TEACHES LOVE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Just as the expiring swan, sweeter in its final word Last Line: Complete love in pure love, sing Subject(s): Birds; Swans SACRED EPIGRAM: WHOSOEVER WILL HIS LIFE FOR MY SAKE ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Go, life; go, I shall lose you: your death was devised for me, o christ Last Line: That third day is not at all far off Subject(s): Death SACRED EPIGRAM: WHY ARE YE SO FEARFUL?, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: As if the wild wind would work its fury on him! Last Line: He who feared shipwreck with him deserved it SACRED EPIGRAM: WHY ARE YE TROUBLED?, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Behold me and my marks, once my wounds! Surely Last Line: O now may your faith heal my wounds SACRED EPIGRAM: WHY EATETH YOUR MASTER WITH PUBLICANS?, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Is it thus, wicked man, that you shrink from your brother's diseases Last Line: A disease which dared seek such a doctor for itself was great; %that one which dared scorn such a do SACRED EPIGRAM: WHY EATETH YOUR MASTER WITH PUBLICANS?, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Do you mean he joins those sinners? Last Line: Let me say truly: he was jesus, not a pharisee SACRED EPIGRAM: YE BUILD THE TOMBS OF THE PROPHETS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What good is that labor in caring for the tombs of the saints? Last Line: So many witnesses you make of the stones by which they died SACRED EPIGRAM: YE SHALL WEEP AND LAMENT, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Therefore welcome my griefs that to me are my joys Last Line: Give joy even then when you deny it SACRED EPIGRAM: ZACHAEUS IN THE SYCAMORE TREE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Why, o tree, do you boast of strange fruits? Last Line: There, soon will be a cluster on the heavenly vine SACRED EPIGRAM: ZACHARIAS NOT BELIEVING AT ALL, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: That you will be the father of a speechless [babe] seems a strange Last Line: Now - except by a sign - you can ask for nothing Subject(s): Bible; Zacharias SACRED EPOGRAM: THE WOMAN OF CANAAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Whatever the old legend said about the amazon girls Last Line: A woman, and of such strong faith? Now I believe that faith is %more than grammatically of the femin Subject(s): Faith; Women SAMSON TO HIS DALILAH, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Could not once blinding me, cruel, suffice? Last Line: When first I look'd on thee, I lost mine eyes. Subject(s): Bible; Religion; Theology SATAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Below the bottom of the great abyss SCAZON ON MASTER HERRIS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hither, o guest, turn your eyes, but blind with tears Last Line: Therefore here they await the judge from heaven itself Subject(s): Herrys, William (d. 1631) SHEPHERD'S HYMN, SELS., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: To thee meek majesty, soft king Subject(s): Christmas SHEPHERDS' SONG, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: We saw thee in thy balmy nest Last Line: Ourselves become our own best sacrifice! Variant Title(s): A Hymn Sung As By The Shepherds Subject(s): Shepherds & Shepherdesses SO SLEEPS A PILOT WHOSE POOR BARK IS PREST, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography Subject(s): Sleep SONG UPON THE BLEEDING CRUCIFIX, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Jesu, no more, it is full tide Last Line: The well of living waters, lord, till now. Variant Title(s): On The Bleeding Crucified Lord;upon The Bleeding Crucifix. A Song;on The Bleeding Wounds Of Our Crucified Lord Subject(s): Crucifixion; Jesus Christ - Crucifixion SORROW, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The dew no more will weep TEMPERANCE, OR THE CHEAP PHYSICIAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poem Explanation Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Goe now; and with some dareing drugg Last Line: Hark hither; and thy self be he. Subject(s): Health; Lessius (leys), Leonard (1554-1623) THE FLAMING HEART, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poem Explanation Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Well meaning readers, you that come as friends Last Line: Unto all life of mine may dy. Subject(s): Nuns; Teresa, Saint (1515-1582); Teresa Of Jesus, Saint; Teresa Of Avila, Saint; Theresa, Saint THE TEAR, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What bright soft thing is this? Last Line: In th'heaven of mary's eye, a teare. THE WEEPER (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hail, sister springs Last Line: A worthier object -- our lord's feet. Variant Title(s): Saint Mary Magdalene Or The Weeper Subject(s): Bible; Mary Magdalen; Religion; Women In The Bible; Mary Magdalene; Theology THY GOD WAS MAKING HAST INTO THY ROOFE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography TO A PRINCE NOT YET BORN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Be born now; o now! Indeed why do you delay, dear boy? Last Line: Indeed so often charles himself returns Subject(s): James Ii, King Of Scotland (1430-1460) TO A YOUNG GENTLE-WOMAN [CONCERNING HER CHOICE], by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Dear, heaven-designed soul! Last Line: May it not be amongst the sonnes of men. Variant Title(s): To [mrs. M.r.] Councel Concerning Her Choice Subject(s): Marriage; Nuns; Weddings; Husbands; Wives TO SUFFER LOSS OFTEN RESULTS IN GAIN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Losses are profits of secret gain to many Last Line: For whom the hand of the fates is so busy TO THE HONORABLE GENTLEMAN, MASTER TOURNEY HIS ... TUTOR, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Now the fourth harvest has gilded the hair of ceres Last Line: (as before) be greater than every barrier. Subject(s): Tournay, John TO THE INFANT MARTYRS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Go smiling souls, your new built cages break Last Line: Milk all the way Subject(s): Bible; Religion TO THE MORNING. SATISFACTION FOR SLEEP, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What succour can I hope the muse will send Last Line: Shut in their teares; shut out their miseryes. Subject(s): Sleep TO THE MOST HONORABLE DR. ROBT. HUGHES, CHIEF JUSTICE ..., by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I congratulate you for your crimson stripe and sacred purple Last Line: Until this purple of yours yields to the snowy shroud %whereyour robe will be a lily, which was here Subject(s): Hughes, Robert TO THE MOST LEARNED MAN, ... PRAECEPTOR MASTER BROOK, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: O you who were never an unpleasant name to me Last Line: He was the least of my [pupils]. But he was mine. Subject(s): Brooke, Robert (17th Century) TO THE NEWBORN PRINCESS, A SIGN OF HER MOTHER'S NATURE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Grow, o [child] destined to be judged by the gentle gods Last Line: Left over forever in that pure spring TO THE QUEEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: But even now it was time for you, greatest mother Last Line: O hail! For at your birth, golden boy, there was born %to charles and mary a third eye Subject(s): Charles Ii, King Of England (1630-1685) TO THE QUEEN'S MAJESTY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Madame. / 'mongst those long rowes of crownes that guild your race Last Line: Three kingdomes to supply this day's three kings. Subject(s): Charles I, King Of England (1600-1649); Henrietta Maria, Queen Of England TO THE QUEEN, AN APOLOGIE FOR THE LENGTH OF THE PANEGYRICK, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: When you are mistresse of the song Last Line: That made it long, excuse the length. TO THE READER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hail. And now farewell. For why would anyone go any further Last Line: And surely (you will say) this [man's] love ought to be loved. TREASURY OF EVILS IS WOMAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: What god, o who was it who fashioned you, wicked woman? Last Line: Enough that this machine had been built against our walls, %human furies will make our hell Subject(s): Women TWO WENT UP INTO THE TEMPLE TO PRAY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Two went to pray? O rather say Last Line: The other to the altar's god. Subject(s): Bible; Prayer; Religion; Theology UNIVERSITY COMMENDS ITS BOOK TO THE FAIREST QUEEN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Take this also - unless we ask too much - in your hand like a mother Last Line: Who at once both is a father and creates a father! Subject(s): Henrietta Maria, Queen Of England UPON A GNATT BURNT IN A CANDLE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Little-buzzing-wanton elfe UPON BISHOP ANDREWES HIS PICTURE BEFORE HIS SERMONS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: See heer a shadow from that setting sunne Last Line: Look on the following leaves and see him breath. Subject(s): Andrewes, Lancelot,(1555-1626); Clergy; Bishop Of Winchester; Priests; Rabbis; Ministers; Bishops UPON FORD'S TWO TRAGEDIES, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Thou cheat'st us ford, mak'st one seeme two by art Last Line: What is loves sacrifice, but the broken heart? Subject(s): Ford, John (1586-1639) UPON OUR SAVIOR'S TOMB WHEREIN NEVER MAN WAS LAID, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: How life and death in thee agree Last Line: A joseph did betroth them both Subject(s): Bible; Religion UPON THE BIRTH OF THE PRINCESSE ELIZABETH, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Bright starre of majesty, oh shedd on mee Last Line: And I'le not blurre it with my paraphrase. Subject(s): Charles Ii, King Of England (1630-1685) UPON THE BODY OF OUR BLESSED LORD, NAKED AND BLOODY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: They 'have left thee naked, lord; o that they had! UPON THE DEATH OF A FRIEND, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hee's dead: oh what harsh musicks there Last Line: The musick of his name yett soundeth shrill. UPON THE DEATH OF A GENTLEMAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Faithlesse and fond mortality! Last Line: Thus much, hee's dead, and weepe the rest. Subject(s): Chambers, Michael (d. 1634) UPON THE DEATH OF MR. HERRYS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: A plant of noble stemme, forward and faire Last Line: O doe thou water it with one kind teare. Subject(s): Herrys, William (d. 1631) UPON THE DEATH OF THE MOST DESIRED MR. HERRYS (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Death, what dost? O hold thy blow Last Line: All her births abortive prove. Subject(s): Herrys, William (d. 1631) UPON THE DEATH OF THE MOST DESIRED MR. HERRYS (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: If ever pitty were acquainted Last Line: All hope of never dying, here lyes dead. Subject(s): Herrys, William (d. 1631) UPON THE DUKE OF YORKE HIS BIRTH A PANEGYRICKE, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Brittaine, the mighty oceans lovely bride Last Line: This rurall wreath dares be thy sacrifice. Variant Title(s): To The Queen, Upon Her Numerous Progenie, A Panegyrick UPON THE FAIRE ETHIOPIAN SENT TO A GENTLEWOMAN, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lo here the faire chariclia! In whom strove Last Line: Shee shall appeare true ethiopian. Subject(s): Heliodorus (3d Century A.d.) UPON THE GUNPOWDER TREASON (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Grow plumpe, leane death; his holiness a feast Last Line: And rugged touch of pluto's multitude. Subject(s): Gunpowder Plot; Guy Fawkes UPON THE GUNPOWDER TREASON (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Reach me a quill, pluckt from the flaming wing Last Line: The light's faire face, but still abortive bee. Subject(s): Gunpowder Plot; Guy Fawkes UPON THE KING'S CORONATION (1), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Sound forth, celestial organs, let heavens quire Last Line: The world will be one ocean, one great teare. Subject(s): Charles Ii, King Of England (1630-1685) UPON THE KING'S CORONATION (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Strange metamorphosis! It was but now Last Line: All melancholy clowds vanisht away. Subject(s): Metamorphosis UPON THE POWDER DAY, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: How fit our well-rank'd feasts do follow Last Line: All mischiefe comes after all hallow. Subject(s): Gunpowder Plot; Guy Fawkes UPON TWO GREENE APRICOCKES SENT TO COWLEY BY SIR CRASHAW, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Take these, times tardy truants, sent by me Last Line: How much my summer waites upon thy spring. Subject(s): Cowley, Abraham (1618-1667) WE DO NOT RECEIVE A SHORT LIFE BUT WE MAKE IT, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Why do you mourn that too swift a life is Last Line: You make a thousand deaths for yourself. Indeed the more %years you waste, the more you demand Subject(s): Mortality WEEPER (2), by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Hail, sister springs! Last Line: Crown'd heads are toyes. We goe to meet %a worthy object, our lord's feet Subject(s): Mary Magdalen; Women - Bible WHEN I HAD DEDICATED SOME OF THESE PIECES TO MY ... TEACHER, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Source Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Lo [my] muse, most admired teacher, still timidly stretching her Last Line: And nameless, because they have know without doubt their own ocean Subject(s): Brook, Robert WISHES TO HIS SUPPOSED MISTRESS, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poem Explanation Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Whoe'er she be, / that not impossible she Last Line: Be ye my fictions: -- but her story. Variant Title(s): Wishes For The Supposed Mistress Subject(s): Beauty; Desire; Love WITH A PICTURE SENT TO A FRIEND, by RICHARD CRASHAW Poem Text Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: I paint so ill, my peece had need to bee Last Line: My love, or feign'd or painted should appeare. Subject(s): Paintings & Painters |