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Matches Found: 88

Addams, Jane (1860-1935)
Aguinaldo, Emilio (1869-1964)
Anthony, Susan Brownell (1820-1906)
Arnold Of Brescia (1100-1155)
Astell, Mary (1668-1731)
Atherton, Charles G.
Bacon, Nathaniel (1647-1676)
Bandiera, Attilio (1810-1844)
Bandiera, Emilio (1819-1844)
Barber, Thomas
Biko, Steve (1946-1977)
Blood, Thomas (1618-1680)
Boissevain, Inez Milholland
Bolivar, Simon (1783-1830)
Brown, John (1800-1859)
Brutus, Dennis
Cavalier, Jean (1681-1740)
Clarkson, Thomas (1760-1846)
Connolly, James (1868-1916)
Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658)
Davis, Angela
Emmet, Robert (1778-1803)
Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895)
Evers, Medgar (1925-1963)
Fuller, Margaret (1810-1850)
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869-1948)
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879)
Gartz, Kate Crane
Hamer, Fannie Lou (1917-1977)
Herzl, Theodore (1860-1904)
Hofer, Andreas (1767-1810)
Johnson, William Eugene (1862-1945)
Kagawa, Toyohiko (1888-1960)
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968)
Leggett, William (1801-1839)
Lovejoy, Elijah P. (1802-1837)
Luxemburg, Rosa (1871-1919)
Malcolm X (malcolm Little) (1925-1965)
Mandela, Nelson (b. 1918)
Mandela, Winnie (b. 1934)
Markiewicz, Constance Georgine, Countess
Marx, Karl (1818-1883)
Milano, Agesilao
Milholland, Inez (1886-1916)
Muhammad Ahmad (1844-1885)
Muhammad Ahmad Ibn As-sayyid 'abd Allah
Nassau Senior, Mrs. (1828-1877).
Nicotera, Baron Giovanni (1828-1894)
O'donnell, Hugh Roe (1572-1602)
O'leary, John (1830-1907)
O'more, Rory (1620-1652)
O'neill, Owen Roe (1590-1649)
Oge, Jacques Vincent (1750-1791)
Parks, Rosa (1913-2005)
Penn, William (1644-1718)
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884)
Quincy, Edmund (1808-1877)
Rantoul, Robert (1805-1852)
Red Hugh, Lord Of Tyrconnel
Reed, John (1887-1920)
Reform & Reformers
Religious Reformers
Riel, Louis (1844-1885)
Ripley, George (1802-1880)
Robespierre, Maximilien De (1758-1794)
Roland, Jeanne-marie (1754-1793)
Ruffini, Jacobo (1805-1833)
Salt, Henry S. (1851-1939)
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498)
Seale, Bobby (b. 1936)
Sidney, Algernon (1622-1682)
Stearns, George Luther (1809-1867)
Storrs, Charles B.
Stuart, Esme, Lord Aubigny (1574-1624)
Tone, Theobald Wolfe (1763-1798)
Torrey, S. Oliver
Toussaint L'ouverture (1743-1803)
Travis, William Barret (1809-1836)
Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940)
Turner, Nat (1800-1831)
Villa, Francisco (pancho) (1878-1923)
Wallace, Sir William (1270-1305)
Warren, Josiah (1798-1874)
Willard, Frances Elizabeth (1839-1898)
Woolman, John (1720-1772)
Wycliffe, John (1330-1384)