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Classic and Contemporary Poetry: Explained

END AND THE BEGINNING, by                 Poet's Biography


"End and the Beginning" is a poem written by Vassar Miller, an American poet known for her exploration of disability and chronic illness in her work. The poem reflects on the cyclical nature of life and death, and the ongoing process of renewal and rebirth that characterizes the natural world. The poem was published in 1984.


The poem begins with the speaker reflecting on the many endings that life brings, from the death of loved ones to the passing of the seasons. Miller uses vivid and evocative language to capture the sense of loss and sorrow that often accompanies these endings, suggesting that they are an inevitable part of the human experience.

However, the poem also emphasizes the importance of recognizing that every ending is also a new beginning. Miller writes of the "unfurling bud" that emerges from the ashes of a forest fire, and suggests that even in the midst of destruction and chaos, there is always the possibility of renewal and growth.

Through her use of metaphor and imagery, Miller explores deeper themes of life and death, growth and decay. She suggests that while endings may be painful, they are also a necessary part of the ongoing cycle of life and that each new beginning brings with it the possibility of hope and transformation.

Poetic Elements:

  • Form: The poem is written in free verse, without a specific rhyme scheme or meter. This allows Miller to experiment with the structure of the poem and to convey a sense of spontaneity and naturalness.
  • Imagery: Miller uses vivid and evocative imagery throughout the poem, describing the "unfurling bud" that emerges from the ashes of a forest fire and evoking the various endings and beginnings that are a part of the human experience.
  • Metaphor: Miller employs metaphorical language to explore deeper themes of life and death, growth and decay, comparing the natural world to the cycles of human experience.
  • Tone: The tone of the poem is contemplative and reflective, with a sense of awe and wonder at the cyclical nature of life and the ongoing process of renewal and rebirth.


"End and the Beginning" is a powerful and insightful reflection on the cyclical nature of life and the ongoing process of renewal and rebirth that characterizes the natural world. Through her use of poetic elements such as free verse, imagery, and metaphor, Miller captures the beauty and mystery of this process, while also acknowledging the pain and sorrow that often accompany endings. The poem is a powerful reminder of the resilience and persistence of life, and the hope and possibility that each new beginning brings.

Poem Snippet:


"The end is where we start from,

And every burning is a start.

The ash is where the budding begins,

And we rise again from every part."


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