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TABULA SECUNDA IN NAUFRAGIO, by                    
First Line: Poore heart, what is this poorer world to thee?
Last Line: Unlesse omnipotencie can be crost.
Subject(s): Fate; Grief; Destiny; Sorrow; Sadness

POORE Heart, what is this poorer world to Thee?
Thou hast a God: Thy Selfe Thou hast:
Can He & Thou
Not make enough
To slight bad times wch cannot last
One minute longer then He lets them be.

No wheel of Fate but rowles in his Great Hand
And from His Touch its motion takes.
No Kingdome jars
With ruefull wars
And into helplesse peeces breakes
But when His Justice doth Divide ye Land.

If then it Justice & His Justice be,
Why doe thy silly feares gainsay?
His constant Will
Is Holy still,
And must be done: what fooles are They
Who would not have ye best Necessitie?

Fond Passions, peace: O may that Sacred Pleasure
Be done, though your Undoing stand
Full in its way:
A Soule dares say,
I am no looser by yt hand;
Heavns Will, & not mine owne, is my best Treasure.

Heart, keep Thou That, though thine owne Will be lost,
Least Thou thy selfe becomest so.
Then though Hell rage
On poor Earths stage,
All things shall at thy pleasure goe.
Unlesse Omnipotencie can be crost.

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