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A CONFESSION, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: They are not tears of sorrowing
Last Line: It had not felt thy love!
Alternate Author Name(s): Lewis, Juliet H.
Subject(s): Thanksgiving

THEY are not tears of sorrowing,
Then, dearest, chide me not!
I weep with very thankfulness,
For this, my blessed lot.

I think me of the rose-hued past,
And tears will fall like rain;
I turn me to my present bliss,
And forth they gush again.

The past, the sunny past was like
A glorious dream to me,
The earth was as a fairy land,
And fairy creatures we.

The hours went by as angels would
When forced from heaven to roam;
Each gave a blessing as it past,
And hasten'd to its home.

The memories of those vanish'd hours
Throng round me like a spell,
And charm these drops of tenderness
Up from their secret cell.

Yet, love, I would not barter now
The luxury of these tears,
For all the joys that woo my thoughts
Back to those by-gone years!

For though my heart, blithe as a bird,
From flower to flower would rove,
It had not known thy tenderness,
It had not felt thy love!

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