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CHOPIN, by                    
First Line: O soul most beautiful, and loving heart
Last Line: So deep the rapture and so sweet the thrall!
Subject(s): Chopin, Frederic Francois (1810-1849)

O soul most beautiful, and loving heart!
O bright, wild bird, — now crooning on thy nest,
Now soaring, sped by a divine unrest, —
How Nature speaks through thy perfected Art! —
Till from our eyes ecstatic tears do start,
Till all our soul and senses are possest,
And we must weep or smile at thy behest,
And in thine ever changing mood take part,
Like watchers on enchanted Mount, who see
Fair visions pass at a magician's call, —
The fairer for their cloud of mystery, —
Who feel the necromancer's spell and fall
Entranced beneath its pow'r, nor would be free,
So deep the rapture and so sweet the thrall!

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