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THE OLD MILL, by                    
First Line: A groaning din of broken-down machines
Last Line: A tombstone landmark is the brief remain.
Subject(s): Mills & Millers; Ruins

A groaning din of broken-down machines,
Still labor from a century of abuse,
While time relentlessly disrupts and schemes
To overtake with age their further use;
The memories locked within that shoddy shack,
The meal, the flour, conditioned by the ton,
Would fill up many volumes back to back
With farmers' fortunes and misfortunes run;
The modern mill that grew to take its place
Now overshadows such an ancient one;
With fresh efficiency the new mill race
Redoubles all the work that's to be done;
Through years of hardship, labouring for gain,
A tombstone landmark is the brief remain.

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