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Classic and Contemporary Poetry
NEMEAN ODES: 1. THE INFANT HERACLES, by PINDAR Poet's Biography First Line: But fast in heart I hold the lofty fame Last Line: The shameless outrage of those brutish foes. Subject(s): Hercules; Mythology - Classical | |||
BUT fast in heart I hold the lofty fame Of greatly-labouring Heracles, and sing A tale of olden time; for once, men say, That son of Zeus with his twin brother came Straight from his mother's womb of suffering Into the wonder of the radiant day, And, while his limbs were swathed in crocus-hued array, Great Hera saw him from her throne of gold, And straightly, in the fury of her wrath, The Queen of gods two serpents thither sent, Which, when the doors were opened, took their path To the wide inner chamber, fiercely bent The children to enfold, And with quick-darting fangs to strike them dead. But Heracles, on his first field of fight, Undaunted stood, and held his head upright, And forth his two avoidless hands outspread, And grappled by their necks the serpents twain; And so it was that all their life was shed By strangling moments from their dreadful hearts, While those who stood about Alcmene's bed Were stricken through their women's souls by darts Of irresistless pain, For even the mother from her couch uprose, Leapt to her feet, all robeless as she lay, And fain would set herself to drive away The shameless outrage of those brutish foes. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...THE BOOK OF THE DEAD MAN (#11): 1. ABOUT THE DEAD MAN AND MEDUSA by MARVIN BELL THE BOOK OF THE DEAD MAN (#11): 2. MORE ABOUT THE DEAD MAN AND MEDUSA by MARVIN BELL THE BIRTH OF VENUS by HAYDEN CARRUTH LEDA 2: A NOTE ON VISITATIONS by LUCILLE CLIFTON LEDA 3: A PERSONAL NOTE (RE: VISITATIONS) by LUCILLE CLIFTON |