Classic and Contemporary Poetry
THE WHITE WINTER - HUGHIE SNAWED UP, by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON First Line: Man, but it's vexin'! There's the law Last Line: As heretofore! Alternate Author Name(s): Haliburton, Hugh | |||
Man, but it's vexin'! There's the Law For five months noo been white wi' snaw; An', when we lookit for a thaw, An' lowser weather, It's gaitherin' for anither fa', As black as ever! It's no' alane that fother's dear, Yowes stervin', an' the lambin' near, An' Winter owre the Ochils drear Drivin' unstintit, -- But, Lordsake! what's come owre the year? An' what's ahint it? Wha kens but what oor aixle tree 'S been slew'd aboot, or dung ajee, An' aff thro' space awa' we flee In a daft orbit? Whilk mak's the seasons, as we see, Be sair disturbit. Wha kens but what we've seen the heel O' Simmer in a last fareweel? Nae mair green gowany braes to speel Wi' joyfu' crook, Nor dip in Devon, whaur a wiel Invites to dook! What aince has been may be aince mair, An' aince -- as learned clerks declare -- This planet's fortune was to fare, In ages auld, Thro' regions o' the frigid air, Past kennin' cauld. Nae doot but this was centuries gane, When human cretur' there was nane, An' this auld warld, her liefu' lane, Bowl'd thro' the nicht, Wi' tangles hingin' fra a mune That was her licht. An eldritch scene that licht display'd! There lay the continents array'd, Like corpses o' the lately dead, In a cauld sheet, Wi' icebergs sittin' at their head An' at their feet! What aince has been may happen twice, -- It's weel kenn'd we hae little ch'ice; An' if it be the Age o' Ice Return'd aince mair -- Faith, tak' this present for a spice, It offers fair! The snaw a' owre lies sax feet deep; Ae half oor time we're howkin' sheep; We haena haen a blanket sleep Sin' the New Year; An' here we're at oor hin'most neep, An' term-time near! It's juist as bad wi' ither folk: A shepherd's missin' wi' his flock; An eagle's ravagin' the Knock; An' nearer hame, A dearth o' whisky's at the Crook, An' aumries toom. The gates are blockit up a' roun' 's, Silent are a' the seas an' soun's, An' at the very trons in toons, It's hoch deep lyin': In fac', the Winter's broken boun's, There's nae denyin'. It may be -- for we're grown sae wice, We're no' juist to be smoor'd like mice, It may be that by some device We'll fricht the snaw, An' gie this threaten'd Age o' Ice The ca' awa'! Some braw electrical machine Amang the cluds may intervene, Send licht an' heat, an' change the scene The warld throughoot; An' burn oor skins, an' blind oor een, Wi't a', nae doot! Come back, come back, oor ain auld sun, Thy auld-appointed path to run; An' a' the freits that were begun To shore us ill Shall, in the crackin' of a gun, Flee owre the hill. Then, as of auld, when skies are clear, An' springin' corn begins to breer, Those joys your shepherd's heart shall cheer That charm'd of yore; An' life on Devon be as dear As heretofore! | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...DAVE (SC. DAPHNIS) by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON SCHULE LADDIE'S LAMENT ON THE LATENESS O' THE SEASON by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON HUGHIE REFUSES TO EMIGRATE by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON HUGHIE'S ADVICE TO HIS BROTHER JOHN by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON HUGHIE'S INDIGNATION AT THE CONDUCT OF THE ... ELDER by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON HUGHIE'S MONUMENT by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON HUGHIE'S WINTER EXCUSE FOR A DRAM by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON HUGHIE TAKES HIS EASE IN HIS INN by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON MORNING - THE MOUNTAIN FAMILY AT THEIR DEVOTIONS by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON MOUNTAIN LAUREATE by JAMES LOGIE ROBERTSON |