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GENERAL HOWE'S LETTER, by                    
First Line: As to kidnap the congress has long been my aim
Last Line: "but, fighting or flying, - I'm your very humble"
Subject(s): "american Revolution;howe, Richard. Earl Howe (1726-1799);

The substance of Sir W.'s last letter from New York, versified.

As to kidnap the Congress has long been my aim,
I lately resolv'd to accomplish the same;
And, that none, in the glory, might want his due share,
All the troops were to Brunswick desir'd to repair.
Derry down, down, hey derry down.

There I met them in person, and took the command,
When I instantly told them the job upon hand;
I did not detain them with long-winded stuff,
But made a short speech, and each soldier look'd bluff.

With this omen elated, towards Quibbletown
I led them, concluding the day was our own;
For, till we went thither, the coast was quite clear, --
But Putnam and Washington, d--n them, were there!

I own I was stagger'd, to see with what skill
The rogues were intrenched, on the brow of the hill;
With a view to dismay them, I show'd my whole force,
But they kept their position, and car'd not a curse.

There were then but two ways, -- to retreat or attack,
And to me it seem'd wisest, by far, to go back;
For I thought, if I rashly got into a fray,
There might both be the Devil and Piper to pay.

Then, to lose no more time, by parading in vain,
I determin'd elsewhere to transfer the campaign;
So just as we went, we return'd to this place,
With no other diff'rence, -- than mending our pace.

Where next we proceed, is not yet very clear,
But, when we get there, be assur'd you shall hear;
I'll settle that point, when I meet with my brother, --
Meanwhile, we're embarking for some place or other.

Having briefly, my lord, told you, -- how the land lies,
I hope there's enough -- for a word to the wise;
'T is a good horse, they say, that never will stumble, --
But, fighting or flying, -- I'm your very humble.

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