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PRESERVING-TIME, by                    
First Line: All over the land there's a savory smell
Last Line: "of marmalade, jelly, and jam"
Subject(s): Children;fruit;smells;summer; Childhood;odors;aromas;fragrances

ALL over the land there's a savory smell,
You meet it abroad or at home;
The days of your childhood come back for a spell,
No matter how far you may roam —
'T is the scent of preserving the strawberry red,
The pineapple, raspberry, plum;
That the gooseberry, currant, and cherry must shed
When the jelly and marmalade come.

For the kitchen's a sight in these summery days,
As the kettles all simmer or steam;
The mountains of sugar we view with amaze,
And the fruits are an epicure's dream;
Abroad through the land goes the savory scent
Made by nieces of good Uncle Sam;
And prosperity's balm with th' odor is blent
Of marmalade, jelly, and jam.

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