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THE CONSTELLATION AND THE INSURGENTE (1), by                    
First Line: "come all ye yankee sailors, with swords and pikes advance"
Last Line: And now 'the girl we love the most!' / my brave yankee boys
Variant Title(s): Truxton's Victory; Or Brave Yankee Boys
Subject(s): "constellation (ship);insurgente (ship);navy - United States;sea Battles;truxtun, Thomas (1755-1822);" "american Navy;naval Warfare;truxton, Thomas;

COME all ye Yankee sailors, with swords and pikes advance,
'T is time to try your courage and humble haughty France,
The sons of France our seas invade,
Destroy our commerce and our trade,
'T is time the reck'ning should be paid!
To brave Yankee boys.

On board the Constellation, from Baltimore we came,
We had a bold commander and Truxton was his name!
Our ship she mounted forty guns,
And on the main so swiftly runs,
To prove to France Columbia's sons
Are brave Yankee boys.

We sailed to the West Indies in order to annoy
The invaders of our commerce, to burn, sink, and destroy;
Our Constellation shone so bright,
The Frenchmen could not bear the sight,
And away they scamper'd in affright,
From the brave Yankee boys.

'T was on the 9th of February, at Montserrat we lay,
And there we spy'd the Insurgente just at the break of day,
We raised the orange and the blue,
To see if they our signals knew,
The Constellation and her crew
Of brave Yankee boys.

Then all hands were called to quarters, while we pursued in chase,
With well-prim'd guns, our tompions out, well spliced the main brace.
Soon to the French we did draw nigh,
Compelled to fight, they were, or fly,
The word was passed, "CONQUER OR DIE,"
My brave Yankee boys.

Lord! our Cannons thunder'd with peals tremendous roar,
And death upon our bullets' wings that drenched their decks with gore,
The blood did from their scuppers run,
Their chief exclaimed, "We are undone!"
Their flag they struck, the battle won,
By the brave Yankee boys.

Then to St. Kitts we steered, we bro't her safe in port,
The grand salute was fired and answered from the fort,
John Adams in full bumpers toast,
George Washington, Columbia's boast,
And now "the girl we love the most!"
My brave Yankee boys.

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