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Classic and Contemporary Poetry
A DIALOGUE (TO BE SUNG TO THE VIOL, BY A BASE, AND A TREBLE), by JOSEPH BEAUMONT First Line: Dives: o let thy pitty, gracious sire Last Line: Will raise him from his sinfull bed. Subject(s): Abraham; Pity; Sin | |||
DIVES OLET thy Pitty, gracious Sire, Drop down on my tormenting Fire! Though in profoundest Death I frie, Alas, I have not leave to die. Lo how, with my Complaint, the Flame Forth from my scorched Lipps doth stream: One Dropp of Water will to me An Ocean of Comfort be. Send Lazarus then to Me beneath To quench my Toung, & cool my Death. ABRAHAM When Thou & He on earth did dwell, Thou hadst thy Heavn, & He his Hell: But changed Bothe, you now do reign, In Pleasure He, & Thou in Pain. Besides, between our Realm, & yours, A mighty Gulfe the Way devours, And frights all Feet from venturing through From You to Us or Us to You. DIVES Then let Him warn my Brethren how To scape this Sink of Deaths below: 'Tis Loss more than enough, that thus Hell has gaind One of Six of Us. ABRAHAM What other Preachers need They, who May to the Law & Prophets go? DIVES Yf One from Death to Life repent, 'Twill make them also Paenitent: A Dead Toung moves the quickliest, and No Pulpits can like Graves command. ABRAHAM Chorus. When Moyses, & the Prophets can Not rouse th' impaenitent Heart of Man; No Resurrection of the Dead Will Raise Him from his sinfull Bed. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...SEVEN STREAMS OF NEVIS by GALWAY KINNELL CHANEL NO. 5 by LAURE-ANNE BOSSELAAR BROTHERS: 4. IN MY OWN DEFENSE by LUCILLE CLIFTON THE RING AND THE CASTLE by AMY LOWELL APPELLATE JURISDICTION by MARIANNE MOORE Γενεθλιακον by JOSEPH BEAUMONT Γενεθλιακον by JOSEPH BEAUMONT A CONCLUSORIE HUMNE TO THE SAME WEEK; & FOR MY FRIEND by JOSEPH BEAUMONT |